Okay I haven't done a lot of ray tracing recantlly so I could be wrong
about this. Also, I'm running this with the 3.6.1 windows 64bit
version. Now the bug is that you have a sor and a light source
perpindular to the axis of rotation e.g. sor from 0 to 10 around the y
axis, I'm refering to any light with an y value of 0 to 10. So you the
get shaddow dot on the sor in two bands near the y value of the light
(one above one below). These bands also appear on the inside of the
sor. Finally if you have an object behind the light you get simlar
bands in the SOR's shadow. Finally the size of the bands appears to be
proportional to the distance the sor is from the light.
I am gusseing that that this is the result of the the rays not being
able to get to the light source. The spots in the objects shado I think
could be from the light rays going through the sor when the angle with
respect to the vector of rotation is low.
Okay thats it.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
camera {
location <10, 15, -20>
look_at <0, 5, 0>
angle 45
light_source { <25, 2, -25> color rgb 1 }
light_source { <10, 9.5, -10> color rgb 1 }
plane {
y, 0
pigment { checker color Red, color Green scale 10 }
sor {
<0.0, -0.5>,
<3.0, 0.0>,
<1.0, 0.2>,
<0.5, 0.4>,
<0.5, 4.0>,
<1.0, 5.0>,
<3.0, 10.0>,
<4.0, 11.0>
texture { T_Gold_1B }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
location <-3,4,-4>
look_at <0,0,2>
rotate y*30
y, -2
pigment{checker color Green, color Blue }
// sturm
pigment{ color Magenta }
//texture { T_Stone2}
cone {
texture{ T_Stone29 }
//light_source{ <3,10,4> color Red }
light_source{ <-80,0,5.1> color White}
light_source{ <3.5, -1, -4> color White}
light_source{ <2,4,-1> color White}
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