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So, I'm still trying to animate my nuclear explosion, but to do that in a
realistic way, I need a fluid dynamics simulation system. I've been doing some
research about them, but every paper I can find, well, it's just too complicated
for me, I'm afraid :(
Is there anyone who would be willing to help me? I tried contacting Ricky
Reusser, who posted some interesting fluid dynamics animations on p.b.a, but
apparently he doesn't like to be mailed, because I can't find his emailaddress
Anyway, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm desperate :)
thanks in advance
camera{location-z*3}#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*(C/50)#end#macro L(b,e,k,l)#local C=0
;#while(C<50)sphere{G(b,e),.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1
;#end#end L(y-x,y,x,x+y)L(y,-x-y,x+y,y)L(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)L(-y,y,y+z,x+y)L(0,x+y,
<.5,1,.5>,x)L(0,x-y,<.5,1,.5>,x) // ZK http://www.povplace.be.tf
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Zeger Knaepen wrote:
> I need a fluid dynamics simulation system.
> [...]
> Is there anyone who would be willing to help me?
I, too, thought about implementing something like that for POV-Ray
(simply because we already have several nice particle/mass-spring
systems, but no real fluid dynamics). Here's why I haven't started yet:
- Real Life (as always) and other ongoing projects
- Fluid dynamics are pretty hard math (as you already mentioned)
- Speed would propably be a main issue, so the whole thing would
end as a separate C/C++ program (don't like that idea) or as
a patch for POV-Ray. While I really want to learn how to patch
POV, I have frozen that project to POV 4, which will come with
a totally rewritten source code.
There's a 2D fluid dynamics solver somewhere on the web, it's source
code can be obtained for a $10 fee IIRC (I'm afraid I don't have the URL
handy ATM, but I can send it to you in about two weeks). That's probably
how I would have started.
But there are a lot of free ressources on the topic, too, as you may
have also noticed. During my short research, I found interesting stuff
on Wikipedia and, of course, on MathWorld (mathworld.wolfram.com).
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Zeger Knaepen wrote:
> So, I'm still trying to animate my nuclear explosion, but to do
> that in a realistic way, I need a fluid dynamics simulation system.
Just another thought: I guess if you're only aim is to get those
explosions right, you may get faster (in terms of development and render
times) and propably better looking (yet not physically correct) results
using some sort of keyframing: Put all the parameters of your explosion
in an array, create as many states of it as you need and interpolate
between the states with a spline. That way you can control the look of
it to the last detail. You could even build your keyframes dynamically
within the script to let the user change some parameters.
It would of course take some time to prepare the keyframes, but that
would IMHO be nothing compared to writing a fluid dynamics solver. OTOH,
a fluid dynamics solver for POV would be really cool ;)
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"Florian Brucker" <tor### [at] torfbold com> wrote in message
> Zeger Knaepen wrote:
> > I need a fluid dynamics simulation system.
> > [...]
> > Is there anyone who would be willing to help me?
> I, too, thought about implementing something like that for POV-Ray
> (simply because we already have several nice particle/mass-spring
> systems, but no real fluid dynamics). Here's why I haven't started yet:
> - Real Life (as always) and other ongoing projects
Real Life is a creativity-killer !
> - Fluid dynamics are pretty hard math (as you already mentioned)
probably not that hard... math is actually always quite simple, it's just, well,
very abstract from time to time, and hard to imagine what a equation really
> - Speed would propably be a main issue, so the whole thing would
> end as a separate C/C++ program (don't like that idea) or as
> a patch for POV-Ray. While I really want to learn how to patch
> POV, I have frozen that project to POV 4, which will come with
> a totally rewritten source code.
a patch would be great, but an external program would be nice too :)
> There's a 2D fluid dynamics solver somewhere on the web, it's source
> code can be obtained for a $10 fee IIRC (I'm afraid I don't have the URL
> handy ATM, but I can send it to you in about two weeks). That's probably
> how I would have started.
> But there are a lot of free ressources on the topic, too, as you may
> have also noticed. During my short research, I found interesting stuff
> on Wikipedia and, of course, on MathWorld (mathworld.wolfram.com).
yes, I've found lots of resources, but it's hard to use them if you don't
understand them :-/
For me anyway
> Just another thought: I guess if you're only aim is to get those
> explosions right, you may get faster (in terms of development and render
> times) and propably better looking (yet not physically correct) results
> using some sort of keyframing: Put all the parameters of your explosion
> in an array, create as many states of it as you need and interpolate
> between the states with a spline. That way you can control the look of
> it to the last detail. You could even build your keyframes dynamically
> within the script to let the user change some parameters.
That might work, but I would like to make it more general :)
> It would of course take some time to prepare the keyframes, but that
> would IMHO be nothing compared to writing a fluid dynamics solver. OTOH,
> a fluid dynamics solver for POV would be really cool ;)
it sure would :)
camera{location-z*3}#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*(C/50)#end#macro L(b,e,k,l)#local C=0
;#while(C<50)sphere{G(b,e),.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1
;#end#end L(y-x,y,x,x+y)L(y,-x-y,x+y,y)L(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)L(-y,y,y+z,x+y)L(0,x+y,
<.5,1,.5>,x)L(0,x-y,<.5,1,.5>,x) // ZK http://www.povplace.be.tf
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