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My flying shopping cart is completed and flaps its wings. My next
challenge is to put the cart on a spline and have it fly round a
predefined path.
I've no idea how to do that!
Firstly I need to define the path. That doesn't seem too hard as it's
all just beziers.
Secondly, I need to somehow calculate the position on that spline at
which the cart will sit in each frame. No idea on that one.
Thirdly I need to get the vector of the spline at that point so that I
can point the cart in the right direction. No idea here either.
Fourthly I need to get the (stationary) camera to follow the cart as it
travels around the spline. Figure I'll sit the camera at some point and
point_at the position in the 'secondly' section.
Can anyone talk me through this, or better yet, point me to a simple
tutorial on how to do it?
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On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 01:58:01 +1100, Rick Measham <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Can anyone talk me through this, or better yet, point me to a simple
> tutorial on how to do it?
There is splinefollow sample scene/animation in POV-Ray which does something
like this.
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Rick Measham wrote:
> My flying shopping cart is completed and flaps its wings. My next
> challenge is to put the cart on a spline and have it fly round a
> predefined path.
> I've no idea how to do that!
> Firstly I need to define the path. That doesn't seem too hard as it's
> all just beziers.
> Secondly, I need to somehow calculate the position on that spline at
> which the cart will sit in each frame. No idea on that one.
> Thirdly I need to get the vector of the spline at that point so that I
> can point the cart in the right direction. No idea here either.
> Fourthly I need to get the (stationary) camera to follow the cart as it
> travels around the spline. Figure I'll sit the camera at some point and
> point_at the position in the 'secondly' section.
> Can anyone talk me through this, or better yet, point me to a simple
> tutorial on how to do it?
> Cheers!
> Rick
Maybe it's not your case but may help others reading this thread.
I discovered recently that you can use Inkscape to export your splines (or
paths) to povray. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure in this way you can
ease the process. At least you can define your splines in a visual way
(though limited to 2D).
Hope this helps.
Txemi Jendrix
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