Very much a work in progress, but:
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: ?.pov
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: Checkered Floor Example
// Date: mm/dd/yy
// Auth: ?
#version 3.5;
camera {
location <2, 4, -4>
look_at 0
light_source {<30, 30, -30> color rgb 1}
light_source {<-30, 30, 30> color rgb 1}
plane {y, -0.01
pigment {checker rgb 1 rgb 0}
#declare RibbonWidth = 0.1 ;
#declare Ribbon =
box {x*-RibbonWidth/2, x*RibbonWidth/2+z} ;
#declare FourRibbons =
union {
object {Ribbon}
object {Ribbon translate y}
object {Ribbon rotate -90*x}
object {Ribbon rotate -90*x translate z}
} ;
#declare AllRibbons =
union {
object {FourRibbons}
object {FourRibbons translate -y/2 rotate 90*z translate y/2}
object {FourRibbons translate -z/2 rotate 90*y translate z/2}
translate -0.5*<0,1,1>
scale 1.001
translate 0.5*<0,1,1>
} ;
box {0,1 translate -0.5*x pigment {rgb y} finish {phong 1}}
object {AllRibbons texture {pigment {rgb x}} finish {reflection 0.5}}
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