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I'm wondering what would be a good texture,finish and interior for you
average windowpane glass?
I'm currently using the settings below, but I woner if it could be
// Glass of window panes
#declare T_Glass=texture{
color rgbt 1
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.04
reflection{ 0.5 fresnel on }
#declare I_Glass=interior{
ior 1.5
fade_power 2 //1.5
fade_distance 1
fade_color <0.70, 0.7, 0.9>
//dispersion 1.01
//dispersion_samples 100
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Maurice wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering what would be a good texture,finish and interior for you
> average windowpane glass?
I forgot to mention that I'm particularly struggeling with the
fade_power, fade_distance and fade_color values. The manual is rather
cryptic about those. I guess fade_power would have to be 2 in order to
be physically correct, but the fade distance of window pane glass I have
no idea what it should be. Also the fade_color.
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"Maurice" <cel### [at] nospam hotmail com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm wondering what would be a good texture,finish and interior for you
> average windowpane glass?
> I'm currently using the settings below, but I woner if it could be
> optimised:
> // Glass of window panes
> #declare T_Glass=texture{
> pigment{
> color rgbt 1
> }
> finish{
> ambient 0.1
> diffuse 0.04
> reflection{ 0.5 fresnel on }
> conserve_energy
> }
> }
i think glass would have "ambient 0"
for reflection, i think it would be a variable reflection. My reason is that
if you look straight at the glass, you can see pretty much straight through
it (depending on the type of glass i guess) and if you look at it at a
shallow angle it is more reflective. This effect is very pronounces with
water anyway. glass too i think. i'm not sure of the physical values, but
something like "reflection {0.1, 0.5 fresnel on}"
> #declare I_Glass=interior{
> ior 1.5
> fade_power 2 //1.5
> fade_distance 1
> fade_color <0.70, 0.7, 0.9>
> //dispersion 1.01
> //dispersion_samples 100
> }
fade stuff... hopefully someone else can help you on that :) I would have
left it at defaults. I've only ever really used them for lights. i've used
fade_color for murky water once...
good luck!
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Maurice nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-01-21 17:13:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering what would be a good texture,finish and interior for you
> average windowpane glass?
> I'm currently using the settings below, but I woner if it could be
> optimised:
> // Glass of window panes
> #declare T_Glass=texture{
> pigment{
> color rgbt 1
> }
> finish{
> ambient 0.1
> diffuse 0.04
> reflection{ 0.5 fresnel on }
> conserve_energy
> }
> }
> #declare I_Glass=interior{
> ior 1.5
> fade_power 2 //1.5
> fade_distance 1
> fade_color <0.70, 0.7, 0.9>
> //dispersion 1.01
> //dispersion_samples 100
> }
You can probably get by without any fade, unless your glass is very thick. Plate glass
is slightly
greenish, not pure white. Normal glass is not perfectly transparent:
color rgbft<0.95, 0.99, 0.94, 0.7, 0.23> can give you a good glass pane.
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In article <41f1be29$1@news.povray.org>,
Alain <ele### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> You can probably get by without any fade, unless your glass is very thick.
> Plate glass is slightly
> greenish, not pure white. Normal glass is not perfectly transparent:
> color rgbft<0.95, 0.99, 0.94, 0.7, 0.23> can give you a good glass pane.
If you see the glass at a shallow angle or see a thin edge of it, the
fading will be important because of the contribution of "trapped" rays.
It is not very computationally expensive, so I usually use fading with a
perfectly transparent surface pigment. (Unless the surface is dirty,
that is.)
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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In article <41f17f26$1@news.povray.org>,
Maurice <cel### [at] nospam hotmail com> wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I'm particularly struggeling with the
> fade_power, fade_distance and fade_color values. The manual is rather
> cryptic about those. I guess fade_power would have to be 2 in order to
> be physically correct, but the fade distance of window pane glass I have
> no idea what it should be. Also the fade_color.
fade_color is the apparent color of the material. For red glass, it
should be red. A side note: I rarely use pure colors, I'd use tiny
values of green and blue as well, for more realistic response to very
bright light.
fade_power controls the function of distance used. Most realistic is a
fade_power of 1000, which tells POV to use exponential attenuation.
(Yeah, that's a terrible syntax for this...)
fade_distance controls the density...doubling it will make it reach a
given proportion of the fade_color color in half the distance.
What I usually do is set fade_power to 1000, pin down the approximate
color I want, then tweak fade_distance until it's the right density.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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