Reuben Pearse schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone had used POV-Ray to create graphs or charts
> (bar graphs and pie charts). I would like to be able to automate the
> creation graph images on a webserver. I know there are lots of graphing
> tools out there which provide this kind of functionality (i.e.
> ploticus), but creating graphs in POV-Ray would be so much cooler!
> Thanks in advance
> Reuben
> reu### [at] pearse co uk
Just do it?
In the end you have to adapt every plot script or program
to your needs anyway.
For the ticks one have to write a loop that places cylinders
or something similar along a longer cylinder which is the x-axis
for example. The same loop can be used to place number under the ticks
and so on.
For pie charts one must calculate the angles for the pieces
and do some intersection or difference operations, like
#declare piece1=
difference {
cylinder {0, <0,0.1,0>}
prism {... linear_sweep linear_spline }
... Don't know the exact syntax right now ...
It's not that hard and making it by yourself is even cooler
than using a toolkit.
(And after doing it one knows how to handle the toolkit the right way...
;-) )
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Reuben Pearse <reu### [at] pearse co uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone had used POV-Ray to create graphs or charts
> (bar graphs and pie charts). I would like to be able to automate the
> creation graph images on a webserver. I know there are lots of graphing
> tools out there which provide this kind of functionality (i.e.
> ploticus), but creating graphs in POV-Ray would be so much cooler!
> Thanks in advance
> Reuben
> reu### [at] pearse co uk
Try this, taken found at Dr. A. Filler's homepage :
#declare Font1="cyrvetic.ttf";
#declare ks5 =
union{ // X-Achse
cone{ x*8.5,0, x*7.5,.25}
#declare Count=-8;
#while (Count < 8)
sphere {<Count,0,0>, .20}
#declare Count=Count+1;
cone{ y*8.5,0, y*7.5,.25}
#declare Count=-8;
#while (Count < 8)
sphere {<0,Count,0>, .20}
#declare Count=Count+1;
cone{ z*8.5,0, z*7.5,.25}
#declare Count=-8;
#while (Count < 8)
sphere {<0,0,Count>, .20}
#declare Count=Count+1;
text{ttf Font1 "x",0.1,0 scale <1.5,1.5,1.5> translate <7.9,-1.2,0>}
text{ttf Font1 "y",0.1,0 scale <1.5,1.5,1.5> translate <-1,7.7,0>}
text{ttf Font1 "z",0.1,0 scale <1.5,1.5,1.5> translate <-1,-0.2,7.8>}
texture {
pigment { rgb<0.1,0.1,0.5> }
finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.4 reflection 0.2 brilliance 1 specular
0.3 roughness 0.2 }
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