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Hopefully I am missing something basic here ...
The following is my .pov file:
#include "colors.inc"
#include "skies.inc"
Unfortunately, it doesn't render. I get a message:
File: C:\myfile.inc Line: 4
S_Cloud5 <----ERROR
Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', sky_sphere identifier found
Returned from renderer with error status
When I look into "skies.inc", I find a #declare of S_Cloud5 which starts
#declare S_Cloud5 =
sky_sphere {
pigment { rgb <0.258, 0.258, 0.435> }
pigment {
I had thought that the #declare created a macro that substituted my
"S_Cloud5" for all that was defined. When I copy the S_Cloud5 body to my
.pov file ... it works.
Why can't I simply "refer" to S_Cloud5?
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From: Jeremy M Praay
Subject: Re: Missing something basic: Including sky_spheres
Date: 8 Jan 2005 18:20:21
Message: <41e06ab5$1@news.povray.org>
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"Neil Kolban" <kol### [at] kolban com> wrote in message
> Folks,
> Hopefully I am missing something basic here ...
> The following is my .pov file:
> ----
> #include "colors.inc"
> #include "skies.inc"
> S_Cloud5
> ----
change to:
sky_sphere {S_Cloud5}
It's the same as declaring an object. You still have to put
"object{MyObject}" around it.
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From: Neil Kolban
Subject: Re: Missing something basic: Including sky_spheres
Date: 8 Jan 2005 18:51:33
Message: <41e07205$1@news.povray.org>
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Thanks so much. Naturally, that works ... but I'm afraid I am still not
sure what is going on.
I had assumed that
#declare X = Y
and then entering
in my scene was the same as entering
I guess I am missing something more intrinsic. Do you happen to have a
reference to a POV-Ray documentation section that describes this area?
"Jeremy M. Praay" <sla### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> "Neil Kolban" <kol### [at] kolban com> wrote in message
> news:41e0667f$1@news.povray.org...
> > Folks,
> > Hopefully I am missing something basic here ...
> >
> > The following is my .pov file:
> >
> > ----
> > #include "colors.inc"
> > #include "skies.inc"
> >
> > S_Cloud5
> > ----
> >
> change to:
> sky_sphere {S_Cloud5}
> It's the same as declaring an object. You still have to put
> "object{MyObject}" around it.
> --
> Jeremy
> www.beantoad.com
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It's because it's a sky_sphere, which is not the same as an object.
- Grim
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Neil Kolban wrote:
> Thanks so much. Naturally, that works ... but I'm afraid I am still not
> sure what is going on.
> I had assumed that
> #declare X = Y
> and then entering
> X
> in my scene was the same as entering
> Y
If you define a macro, you can use the macro's name, with it's
parameters) by itself.
When you #declare an object, you need an object{MyObject} construction.
When you #declare a sky_sphere, you need to use sky_sphere{MySkySphere}
Just the name of the object, sky_sphere, texture, pigment, material,...
is not enough.
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> If you define a macro, you can use the macro's name, with it's parameters)
> by itself.
> When you #declare an object, you need an object{MyObject} construction.
> When you #declare a sky_sphere, you need to use sky_sphere{MySkySphere}
> Just the name of the object, sky_sphere, texture, pigment, material,... is
> not enough.
> Alain
I am sorry to inform you that this is incorrect.
The following works just fine:
// **************************
#declare Mice = object { sphere { 0,1 } texture { pigment { color rgb
1 } } }
#declare Cat = sphere { 0,1 texture { pigment { color rgb 1 } } translate
<5,0,5> }
camera { location <10,10,-5> look_at 0 }
light_source { <10,10,-5> color rgb 1 }
but in order for this to work:
#declare Mice = object { sphere { 0,1 } texture { pigment { color rgb
1 } } }
#declare Cat = sphere { 0,1 texture { pigment { color rgb 1 } } translate
<5,0,5> }
#declare Moon = sky_sphere { pigment { gradient z poly_wave 1.05 color_map {
[0 color rgb .993]
[1.03 color rgb 1.03] } } }
camera { location <10,10,-5> look_at 0 }
light_source { <10,10,-5> color rgb 1 }
"Moon" must be written as "sky_sphere { Moon }" or an error will occur.
- Grim
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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Missing something basic: Including sky_spheres
Date: 10 Jan 2005 05:25:01
Message: <41e257fd$2@news.povray.org>
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"GrimDude" <a36### [at] bellsouth net> wrote in message
> I am sorry to inform you that this is incorrect.
IIRC you can get away with simple object declarations w/o an object wrapper.
However, you won't be able to use the object in CSG w/o a wrapper and you
won't be able to apply a texture of other value to it.
So, if I did RC, then:
#declare Foo = sphere{0,1}
will fail
will be okay.
Foo pigment{rgb 1}
is plainly wrong, but
object{Foo pigment{rgb 1}}
is fine.
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