Robert wrote:
> Hi there,
> i`m trying to programm a little bit in povray and would see the values of
> variables I programmed. This works fine so far with the #debug argument, but
> when I want to output more than one variable via #debug, all is written in a
> row. How can I perform a line brake?
> Many thanks for help,
> Robert
> example:
> #debug concat(" h1=",vstr(3, h1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" k1=",vstr(3, k1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" l1=",vstr(3, l1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" a=",vstr(3, h, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" b=",vstr(3, k, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" c=",vstr(3, l, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" P=",vstr(3, P, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" M1=",vstr(3, M1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat(" M2=",vstr(3, M2, ",", 0,1))
Not the correct group. This is for people who muck with the source code.
I've copied this to povray.general .. which is the proper group.
To answer your question:
#debug "\n"
will give you a line break.
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WellenZillich wrote:
> Mike Raiford <mra### [at] hotmail com> wrote
> Try, taking care for the Ampersand:
> xterm -T DEBUGWINDOW -e tail -f ./DEBUG.txt &
> povray +GD./DEBUG.txt ./INPUT.pov
> Lines in INPUT.pov like e.g.:
> #debug concat( "nHALLO MIKE: ", str(clock,0,0), "n" )
> will produce their output in DEBUGWINDOW and, nearly, nothing else. Does
> work for pov3.6 on SuSE9.0
> Best regards: WellenZillich
Umm. What did this have to do with adding line breaks to the output? and
this thread is more than a couple months old, by now... I'm a bit
confused by this?
Are you saying line breaks cause problems in this situation?
Is this a platform-specific way to output debug statements with line breaks?
I actually use POV-Ray under windows, and had assumed that pov worked
pretty much the same across all platforms.
Things! Billions of them!
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Mike Raiford <mra### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> WellenZillich wrote:
> > Mike Raiford <mra### [at] hotmail com> wrote
> > Umm. What did this have to do with adding line breaks to the output?
SORRY, just4Linux: Replace "n" with "\n": So
xterm -T DEBUGWINDOW -e tail -f ./DEBUG.txt &
povray +GD./DEBUG.txt ./INPUT.pov
Lines in INPUT.pov like e.g.:
#debug concat( "\nHUHU: Linebreak after two:", "one,"two","\n","three")
will produce output in DEBUGWINDOW.
Does work for pov3.6 at least on SuSE9.0, most likely every Linux
> this thread is more than a couple months old, by now... I'm a bit confused by this?
?Not OK?
> Is this a platform-specific way to output debug statements with line breaks?
> I actually use POV-Ray under windows, and had assumed that pov worked
> pretty much the same across all platforms.
Yes, Linux-platform-specific, on Microsoft "\r\n" may work. XTERM is s.th.
linux like CONSOLE in windows. Not to be said here by me what I'm using
because nobody does so? And "Pretty much", but there is no unity about what
unprintables should cause the linebreak
Best regards: WellenZillich
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