Before I start annoying people with questions to which the answers are
obvious... A small question. I've been browsing the POV-ray site for
hints on what features are on the to-do list, what is being considered
for the next version or what is actually being worked on for the next
version and possibly even a release date of that next version.
Unfortunately I could not find such an overview.
If it exists could some kind sole point me to it?
If it does not exist, where would I go to find out if certain specific
features are being considered?
Kind regards and merry christmas wishes to y'all
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In article <41cdcf74$1@news.povray.org>, cel### [at] nospam hotmail com
> If it does not exist, where would I go to find out if certain specific
> features are being considered?
Some have been floated around, but nothing specific. The POV team hasn't
even started preliminary work as far as I know, so until they say
otherwise, suggestions will be totally ignored. As a result, except for a
few brief discussions about it, which never went anywhere, due to the
team telling everyone they where going to flat out ignore any such lists,
there isn't anything. Likely any list that does come out will be posted
by them after they already have a fairly good idea what is going into it.
In the mean time, all we can really do is sit around and speculate.
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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Maurice wrote:
> Hi,
> Before I start annoying people with questions to which the answers are
> obvious... A small question. I've been browsing the POV-ray site for
> hints on what features are on the to-do list, what is being considered
> for the next version or what is actually being worked on for the next
> version and possibly even a release date of that next version.
> Unfortunately I could not find such an overview.
> If it exists could some kind sole point me to it?
Some hints on official release policies can be found in the
povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions group. In short - there is
no public to-do list and release days are never announced in advance.
If you are interested in discussing new features for POV-Ray you should
first of all study the old postings in this group and in
povray.unofficial.patches. It is not recommended to suggest a new
feature right away if you don't have a good deal of experience with
POV-Ray. If you think there is need for a new feature it is in most
cases better to ask how to accomplish what you want to do. Even if it
might appear like this from some threads here qualified discussion of
new features and improvements of POV-Ray is not deprecated.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 23 Sep. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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