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I'm looking for a braid creator for povray. Googling found a reference to a
site at the following address:
This link appears to be broken. Can anybody help? If so please email to
tym### [at] yahoo com (preferred)
try### [at] yahoo com
PS any hints for an algorithm would be appreciated as well. I've played with
the quilting pattern, but I haven't been happy with it.
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"Tony" <try### [at] yahoo com> schreef in bericht
> PS any hints for an algorithm would be appreciated as well. I've played
> the quilting pattern, but I haven't been happy with it.
I happen to have something in my collection of miscellaneous povs :-)
One is made by Margus Ramst, in 2000 (twined_torus.pov) for megapov
The other is made by Mike Williams, in 2004 (braid.pov) for version 3.6
As far as I remember, I got them from these newsgroups. If you cannot find
them, and the authors willing, I can post them in p.b.s-f
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Thomas de Groot wrote:
> "Tony" <try### [at] yahoo com> schreef in bericht
> news:41bd2ff5@news.povray.org...
>>PS any hints for an algorithm would be appreciated as well. I've played
> with
>>the quilting pattern, but I haven't been happy with it.
> I happen to have something in my collection of miscellaneous povs :-)
> One is made by Margus Ramst, in 2000 (twined_torus.pov) for megapov
> The other is made by Mike Williams, in 2004 (braid.pov) for version 3.6
> As far as I remember, I got them from these newsgroups. If you cannot find
> them, and the authors willing, I can post them in p.b.s-f
> Thomas
Thanks Thomas. That's a great help. I'll look around for them.
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