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From: @n05pamarcor de remove n05pam
Subject: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 07:57:18
Message: <4182301e$1@news.povray.org>
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this might be something for the LOTW-experts here.
The aim of the contest is to make an image that shows what you think
Titan looks like when the Huygens probe descends into Titans
atmosphere. The Grand Prize is a trip to the ESOC in Darmstadt/Germany
from 13-15 January 2005 (including travel expenses, food, and
lodging). Deadline is November 28.
More info/rules can be found here:
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From: andrel
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: ArtistsPeer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 08:42:50
Message: <41823A44.3060300@hotmail.com>
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"@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam" wrote:
> Hi,
> this might be something for the LOTW-experts here.
> The aim of the contest is to make an image that shows what you think
> Titan looks like when the Huygens probe descends into Titans atmosphere.
> The Grand Prize is a trip to the ESOC in Darmstadt/Germany from 13-15
> January 2005 (including travel expenses, food, and lodging). Deadline is
> November 28.
> More info/rules can be found here:
> http://planetary.org/saturn/artcontest.html
I am not going to enter, no time, as usual. I do not know if there is
a Huygens probe available in 3D format. If not this could be one of
those cases where some collaboration could be handy. The competition
is not about how the lander looks (we all know that) but how the
moon looks. Adding a lander would be a bonus, but if everybody
starts making one a lot of time will be wasted. It is a pity
they explicitly prohibit group projects. Still, if a group all
create part (and/or texture) of the lander and everybody uses it in
their own scene they would all benefit.
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From: Chris B
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 10:43:22
Message: <4182570a@news.povray.org>
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<@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam> wrote in message
> Hi,
> this might be something for the LOTW-experts here.
> The aim of the contest is to make an image that shows what you think
> Titan looks like when the Huygens probe descends into Titans
> atmosphere. The Grand Prize is a trip to the ESOC in Darmstadt/Germany
> from 13-15 January 2005 (including travel expenses, food, and
> lodging). Deadline is November 28.
> More info/rules can be found here:
> http://planetary.org/saturn/artcontest.html
I can imagine it now, from a camera on the space probe as it breaks through
thick cloud: Hoards of terrified inhabitants scattering in all directions as
an incandescent fireball streaks towards a capital city that is the envy of
the other cultures on their world....
... or maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi.
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From: andrel
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 10:51:38
Message: <41825874.9080404@hotmail.com>
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Chris B wrote:
> <@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam> wrote in message
> news:4182301e$1@news.povray.org...
>>this might be something for the LOTW-experts here.
>>The aim of the contest is to make an image that shows what you think
>>Titan looks like when the Huygens probe descends into Titans
>>atmosphere. The Grand Prize is a trip to the ESOC in Darmstadt/Germany
>>from 13-15 January 2005 (including travel expenses, food, and
>>lodging). Deadline is November 28.
>>More info/rules can be found here:
> I can imagine it now, from a camera on the space probe as it breaks through
> thick cloud: Hoards of terrified inhabitants scattering in all directions as
> an incandescent fireball streaks towards a capital city that is the envy of
> the other cultures on their world....
> ... or maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi.
My guess is that that is not the type of image they are after. ;)
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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 15:30:03
Message: <41829a3b@news.povray.org>
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<@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam> wrote in message
I'm obviously being stoopid, but what's this? Lord of the Wings?
(as in "fwee Wodger").
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From: Dave Matthews
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 15:41:22
Message: <41829ce2$1@news.povray.org>
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Tom Melly wrote:
> <@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam> wrote in message
> news:4182301e$1@news.povray.org...
> I'm obviously being stoopid, but what's this? Lord of the Wings?
> (as in "fwee Wodger").
Landscape Of The Week
It always throws me, also.
Dave Matthews
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On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 20:28:04 +0100, "Tom Melly" <pov### [at] tomandlu co uk> wrote:
><@n05pamarcor.de remove n05pam> wrote in message
> > LOTW
> Lord of the Wings?
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From: Tim Cook
Subject: Re: The Planetary Society's Huygens Art Contest:,"Imagining Titan: Artists Peer Beneath the Veil"
Date: 29 Oct 2004 21:57:48
Message: <4182f51c$1@news.povray.org>
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Chris B wrote:
> I can imagine it now, from a camera on the space probe as it breaks through
> thick cloud: Hoards of terrified inhabitants scattering in all directions as
> an incandescent fireball streaks towards a capital city that is the envy of
> the other cultures on their world....
> ... or maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi.
From a camera on the space probe as it breaks through thick cloud: an
endless checkered plane with reflective spheres hovering over it.
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