I am quite new to PovRay, but it looks good from what i have done so
far. I have a problem, i am trying to create a three-dimensional array
and initialize it with normal int's. I can't seem to do that though, i
am most likely doing something wrong.
The rest of this message is the code i have done at the moment which
will not work:
#declare sideSize = 100;
#declare cFData = array[sideSize][sideSize][sideSize]; // x, y, z of
#declare xCounter = 0;
#while (xCounter < sideSize) // Walk through x in the 3D-firematrix
#declare yCounter = 0;
#while (yCounter < sideSize) // Walk through y in the 3D-firematrix
#declare zCounter = 0;
#while (zCounter < sideSize) // Walk through z in the
#declare cFData[xCounter][yCounter][zCounter] =
0; // Initialize to 0
#declare zCounter = zCounter + 1;
#declare yCounter = yCounter + 1;
#declare xCounter = xCounter + 1;
#declare pFData = cFdata; // This line yields error about cFdata being
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