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From: Stefan Viljoen
Subject: F_Mesh1() func producing cube instead of mesh?
Date: 25 Sep 2004 10:12:03
Message: <41557cb2@news.povray.org>
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Hi all.
What am I doing wrong:
#declare meshfunc = function{f_mesh1(x,y,z,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)}
function {meshfunc(x,y,z)}
threshold 1
box {-1,1}
material{texture{pigment{color White}}}
All this does is produce a white cube, sized 1x1x1. I can put any values
from very small to large (0.01 to 10) into the function line, but it still
only produces a white cube, instead of a mesh.
What is wrong with my parameters or code structure here?
Stefan Viljoen
Software Support Technician
Polar Design Solutions
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Wasn't it Stefan Viljoen who wrote:
>Hi all.
>What am I doing wrong:
>#declare meshfunc = function{f_mesh1(x,y,z,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)}
> function {meshfunc(x,y,z)}
> threshold 1
> contained_by
> {
> box {-1,1}
> }
> material{texture{pigment{color White}}}
>All this does is produce a white cube, sized 1x1x1. I can put any values
>from very small to large (0.01 to 10) into the function line, but it still
>only produces a white cube, instead of a mesh.
>What is wrong with my parameters or code structure here?
All that's happening is that with "threshold 1" the thickness of each
thread is larger than the contained_by box, so the box gets completely
filled. Try setting the threshold to a much smaller value, like 0.01
You will then also need to increase max_gradient.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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From: Stefan Viljoen
Subject: Re: F_Mesh1() func producing cube instead of mesh?
Date: 25 Sep 2004 17:50:38
Message: <4155e82d@news.povray.org>
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Mike Williams wrote:
> Wasn't it Stefan Viljoen who wrote:
>>Hi all.
>>What am I doing wrong:
>>#declare meshfunc = function{f_mesh1(x,y,z,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)}
> You will then also need to increase max_gradient.
Thanks! That fixed it - I decreased the threshold and that did the trick.
Stefan Viljoen
Software Support Technician
Polar Design Solutions
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