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Simple Question, I hope.
Multiple objects and multiple light sources.
Can I remove the shadow from one of the "light source-object" combos?
Not sure if thats clear. I want one light source to not cast shadows with
one of the objects, but to cast shadows with all of the other objects, and
all of the other light sources to cast shadows with that object.
Help appreciated.
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I think you need light_groups for this, but I have no experience with them.
"Josh" <som### [at] microsoft com> wrote in message
> Simple Question, I hope.
> Multiple objects and multiple light sources.
> Can I remove the shadow from one of the "light source-object" combos?
> Not sure if thats clear. I want one light source to not cast shadows with
> one of the objects, but to cast shadows with all of the other objects, and
> all of the other light sources to cast shadows with that object.
> Help appreciated.
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> I think you need light_groups for this, but I have no experience with
I'll have a look at those, thanks.
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> I think you need light_groups for this, but I have no experience with
Unfortunately, regardless of what light_group a light is in, all objects
will block that light (even if the light doesn't light up the object). So
light_groups won't solve this problem.
I'm not sure POV-Ray has a way to prevent an object from blocking only a
single light source.
Some sort of no_external_shadows keyword for light_groups would be pretty
handy; this is a question that comes up a lot.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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> I'm not sure POV-Ray has a way to prevent an object from blocking only a
> single light source.
Two words...
Boo Hoo.
Thank BTW
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Hash: SHA1
Josh wrote:
|>I'm not sure POV-Ray has a way to prevent an object from blocking
only a
|>single light source.
| Two words...
| Boo Hoo.
Check my post in p.b.i ;D This could possibly even be done in
straight pov 3.1 I think...
- --
* Jerome M. Berger *
* mailto:jbe### [at] ifrance com *
* http://jeberger.free.fr/ *
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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