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I'm looking for a detailed HF (or DEM, any GIS....) of the Netherlands.
I have 90 m .hgt files which give some detail, but I need higher res.
The area I'm looking for is called "Noordoostpolder"
I know it's a long shot to ask this here, but one never knows....:-)
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in news:41149e36$1@news.povray.org Cees wrote:
> I'm looking for a detailed HF (or DEM, any GIS....) of the Netherlands.
> I have 90 m .hgt files which give some detail, but I need higher res.
> The area I'm looking for is called "Noordoostpolder"
Hoi Cees,
For our flat little country you could just as well use a polygon instead
of a HF ;)
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Hoi Ingo,
LOL...I'm used to this kind of jokes about our little flat country, but I'm
quit serious about this 'tho ;-)
"ingo" <ing### [at] tag povray org> schreef in bericht
> in news:41149e36$1@news.povray.org Cees wrote:
> > I'm looking for a detailed HF (or DEM, any GIS....) of the Netherlands.
> > I have 90 m .hgt files which give some detail, but I need higher res.
> >
> > The area I'm looking for is called "Noordoostpolder"
> >
> Hoi Cees,
> For our flat little country you could just as well use a polygon instead
> of a HF ;)
> Ingo
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in news:4114a1fa$1@news.povray.org Cees wrote:
> [...] but I'm quit serious about this 'tho ;-)
Never found anything good in the past, but you could try contact somebody
at the ITC in Enschede http://www.itc.nl/ or somebody at
http://www.neonet.nl, or maybe the KNMI
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Cees wrote:
> I'm looking for a detailed HF (or DEM, any GIS....) of the Netherlands.
> I have 90 m .hgt files which give some detail, but I need higher res.
> The area I'm looking for is called "Noordoostpolder"
> I know it's a long shot to ask this here, but one never knows....:-)
> Cees
I ran across this site a couple of years ago as it was very informative.
It is mainly a tutorial on how to get HF information into something like
There are many links to HF data sets on the site.
I hope that you find what you are looking for.
LAter... Tom
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