POV-Ray 3.6 on Win98 machine 650M processor with 256M Ram.
With the union included in case(1), both frames render as expected. With
the union commented out in case(1) (as shown here), the first frame
renders as expected, but the second renders *very* slowly.
// -F +KFI1 +KFF2
#declare VL = array[04] {
<-0.577350,-0.577350,00.577350>, <-0.577350,00.577350,-0.577350>,
<00.577350,-0.577350,-0.577350>, <00.577350,00.577350,00.577350>
#local TestMesh = mesh {
triangle { VL[00], VL[01], VL[03] }
triangle { VL[00], VL[02], VL[01] }
triangle { VL[00], VL[03], VL[02] }
triangle { VL[01], VL[02], VL[03] }
translate z*10
#local TestLargeUnion = union {
#local c0 = 0; #while ( c0 < 100 )
cylinder { VL[0], VL[1]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
cylinder { VL[0], VL[2]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
cylinder { VL[0], VL[3]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
cylinder { VL[1], VL[2]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
cylinder { VL[2], VL[3]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
cylinder { VL[3], VL[1]+<0,0,c0>, .003 }
#local c0 = c0 + 1; #end
translate z*10
#switch ( frame_number )
#case ( 1 )
object { TestMesh }
//object { TestLargeUnion }
background { rgb <1,0,0> }
#case ( 2 )
object { TestMesh }
object { TestLargeUnion }
background { rgb <0,1,0> }
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