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Is there a way to convert a 3d max mesh to povray (via 3ds)? Or can
somebody (3d-max user) to help me with that convertion?
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Wijnand Nijs wrote:
> Is there a way to convert a 3d max mesh to povray (via 3ds)? Or can
> somebody (3d-max user) to help me with that convertion?
> Greetings...
> Wijnand
I believe you can export as an .obj file and use poseray ;)
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> Wijnand Nijs wrote:
> > Is there a way to convert a 3d max mesh to povray (via 3ds)? Or can
> > somebody (3d-max user) to help me with that convertion?
> >
> > Greetings...
> > Wijnand
> I believe you can export as an .obj file and use poseray ;)
Poseray also support 3ds format. You can use poseray to directly convert
.3ds file to povray.
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ZeSly wrote:
> news:40f671ae$1@news.povray.org...
>>Wijnand Nijs wrote:
>>>Is there a way to convert a 3d max mesh to povray (via 3ds)? Or can
>>>somebody (3d-max user) to help me with that convertion?
>>I believe you can export as an .obj file and use poseray ;)
> Poseray also support 3ds format. You can use poseray to directly convert
> .3ds file to povray.
> http://user.txcyber.com/~sgalls/
The problem is that I don't have 3d studio max, so I can't export it to
.obj or .3ds
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"Wijnand Nijs" <w.j### [at] alf4all demon nl> wrote in message
> The problem is that I don't have 3d studio max, so I can't export it to
> .obj or .3ds
I think you're saying that your mesh is currently in .max format. If that's
correct, I haven't come across any utilities that can convert it to any
POV-convertable formats, and I've looked at several conversion utitlities.
That's unfortunate, because there seem to be a lot of .max files at 3dcafe.
If someone can prove me wrong, I'd be happy as well.
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Jeremy M. Praay wrote:
> I think you're saying that your mesh is currently in .max format. If that's
> correct, I haven't come across any utilities that can convert it to any
> POV-convertable formats, and I've looked at several conversion utitlities.
> That's unfortunate, because there seem to be a lot of .max files at 3dcafe.
> If someone can prove me wrong, I'd be happy as well.
That is very likely since it is a proprietary format and they refuse to
release any information on it (unless against a lot of money and
non-disclosure agreements probably). The reason for this is obvious
(although obviously narrow-minded as well).
I won't comment on the sense of publishing a model in such a format...
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 06 Jul. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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> The problem is that I don't have 3d studio max, so I can't export it to
> .obj or .3ds
I'm afraid that you're out of luck. From what I read, the Max format isn't
just a geometry format but requires some "interpretation" (not unlike a
POV-Ray scene), so even a professional file converter like Deep Exploration
needs to have Max installed to convert from this format. You need to find a
Max user to do this for you.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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Old versions of 3D Exploration are able to open .max files.
The owner of the software changed and Deep Exploration hasn't this nice
feature anymore.
Needless to say what version I have on my computers.
Wijnand, if you want to send me the file, I can try to convert it to .3ds or
.pov formate.
Norbert Kern
"Gilles Tran" <tra### [at] inapg inra fr> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:40f67b7e$1@news.povray.org...
> > The problem is that I don't have 3d studio max, so I can't export it to
> > .obj or .3ds
> I'm afraid that you're out of luck. From what I read, the Max format isn't
> just a geometry format but requires some "interpretation" (not unlike a
> POV-Ray scene), so even a professional file converter like Deep
> needs to have Max installed to convert from this format. You need to find
> Max user to do this for you.
> G.
> --
> **********************
> http://www.oyonale.com
> **********************
> - Graphic experiments
> - POV-Ray and Poser computer images
> - Posters
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"Jeremy M. Praay" <jer### [at] questsoftware com> wrote in message
> "Wijnand Nijs" <w.j### [at] alf4all demon nl> wrote in message
> news:40f67b7e$1@news.povray.org...
> > The problem is that I don't have 3d studio max, so I can't export it to
> > .obj or .3ds
> I think you're saying that your mesh is currently in .max format. If
> correct, I haven't come across any utilities that can convert it to any
> POV-convertable formats, and I've looked at several conversion utitlities.
> That's unfortunate, because there seem to be a lot of .max files at
> If someone can prove me wrong, I'd be happy as well.
Yes, that's correct. The MAX format is a very complex format that stores a
lot more than just the geometry of the scene (such as environment plugin
settings, animation controllers, and the geometry usually has a bunch of
modifiers stacked on top of it that must be run in order to gain the
real/final geometry). Even if the file format specifications were
available, it would be highly unlikely that a converter could be written
that was useful, as it would need to have access to all of the modifiers and
plugins that the scene used (geometry, spacewarp, particle, helper,
environment, material, map, and the list goes on - it would have to be able
to directly work with all of the plugin .dlo, .dli, .dle, .dlr, .dlm, .dlt
and .dlc link libraries, even for default object types).
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Wijnand Nijs wrote:
> Is there a way to convert a 3d max mesh to povray (via 3ds)? Or can
> somebody (3d-max user) to help me with that convertion?
> Greetings...
> Wijnand
Thank all for the response. Special to Norbert Kern who did the
convertion for me.
Wijnand Nijs
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