I am running a lot of tests and I want to superimpose onto the viewing
plane a label naming which test the rendered image is the result of.
I am poking around in the resources etc. looking for something I could
use. Would be very grateful for any code, suggestions, macros, includes
that I could press into service. I was sure someone had a technique for
applying his/her signature in that manner.
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In article <40e053f4$1@news.povray.org>, Jim Charter <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote:
> I am running a lot of tests and I want to superimpose onto the viewing
> plane a label naming which test the rendered image is the result of.
> I am poking around in the resources etc. looking for something I could
> use. Would be very grateful for any code, suggestions, macros, includes
> that I could press into service. I was sure someone had a technique for
> applying his/her signature in that manner.
> -Jim
make a look at "screen.inc" :-))
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Jim Charter wrote:
> Bingo. Thanks Louis.
You're scenes are perhaps too complex for this method. Text objects are
slow anyway and will be terrible with high-quality radiosity and/or
multiple lights. What I do is call scenes from a small "wrapper" and
setup my ini file as a two-frame animation. The first frame is my scene,
the second frame labels it. This also makes it easier to keep multiple
pictures. Here's an example. I made it so you could cut-paste-run it to
check it out, but in reality, it would require that your main scene file
create a text file with all of the information you want to print.
Uncomment the commented lines and delete the lines labeled "fake line"
to get the real thing.
// for example, file saved as "text_label.pov"
#include "strings.inc"
#if ( 0 ) // fake line
//#if ( frame_number = 0 )
#include "my_scene.pov"
// #include "my_data.pov"
camera {
location <0,0,-1>
look_at <0,0,0>
right 1*x
up 1*y
box {
<-0.5, -0.5, 1>, <0.5, 0.5, 1>
texture {
pigment {
// image_map { sys "text_label1.bmp" }
wood // fake line
finish { ambient 1 }
translate -.5
#macro Write ( String )
#ifndef ( LineNumber )
#declare LineNumber = 0;
#declare LineNumber = LineNumber + 1;
text {
scale .02
pigment { rgb <1,1,1> }
finish { ambient 1 }
translate <-.49,.48,0>
translate y*-.025*LineNumber
// in practice, variables like PTS and PTE
// would be defined in your data file
#local PTS = .008;
#local PTE = .04;
#local PtsString = concat ( "pretrace_start = ", Str(PTS) )
#local PteString = concat ( "pretrace_end = ", Str(PTE) )
Write ( PtsString )
Write ( PteString )
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