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using xemacs, povmode-2.10 and root installed povray 3.6 on a linux box
tried the code from the image_map stretched in objects' thread
xemacs says almost immediately 'Image rendered sucessfully'
knowing no such named jpg in curr dir i'm expecting a 'ctl-c ctl-l to
view messages' message ?
from command line, missing image message in the output, bit buried though
copied a jpg into curr dir and renamed to suit
cmd line ran ok
from xemacs works, same message but
now out of curiosity, introduced syntax error (normal mode of operation
for me :-), repeated, same sucess message and a really short time between
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stephen parkinson wrote:
> using xemacs, povmode-2.10 and root installed povray 3.6 on a linux box
> tried the code from the image_map stretched in objects' thread
> xemacs says almost immediately 'Image rendered sucessfully'
> knowing no such named jpg in curr dir i'm expecting a 'ctl-c ctl-l to
> view messages' message ?
> from command line, missing image message in the output, bit buried though
> copied a jpg into curr dir and renamed to suit
That sounds really confused. That pov-mode's internal rendering feature
does not work with POV-Ray 3.6 is quite possible but what you write does
not give a clear indication what might go wrong.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 01 May. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> stephen parkinson wrote:
>> using xemacs, povmode-2.10 and root installed povray 3.6 on a linux box
>> tried the code from the image_map stretched in objects' thread
>> xemacs says almost immediately 'Image rendered sucessfully'
>> knowing no such named jpg in curr dir i'm expecting a 'ctl-c ctl-l to
>> view messages' message ?
>> from command line, missing image message in the output, bit buried though
>> copied a jpg into curr dir and renamed to suit
> That sounds really confused. That pov-mode's internal rendering feature
> does not work with POV-Ray 3.6 is quite possible but what you write does
> not give a clear indication what might go wrong.
> Christoph
which bit is confusing ?
i extracted the code and saved as box.pov
then i did xemacs box.pov
hit render, knowing fullwell it would fail with the image file non existent
got Image rendered successfully message, no image :-)
did cmd line - povray +w1024 +h768 +d box.pov
noted error message, had to scroll back a page and a half, hence the
buried aspect
then i copied one of my jpegs to the filename used in box.pov
repeated above
for xemacs, same message and a display image this time
cmd line - it rendered with a display window
i suspect that the mechanism for picking up a failed parse or some such
error is now looking for something no longer occurring - or perhaps
povray is setting a success code regardless :-) ( NB very tongue in cheek)
i've attached 15k log for your perusal
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stephen parkinson wrote:
> which bit is confusing ?
The whole description, if you observe a problem you will most likely get
help when you describe exactly what you were doing and what the result
was. From your first posting it is not clear what you were doing when
the problem occured (pov-render-file ???).
> i suspect that the mechanism for picking up a failed parse or some such
> error is now looking for something no longer occurring - or perhaps
> povray is setting a success code regardless :-) ( NB very tongue in cheek)
> i've attached 15k log for your perusal
This is surely not a problem of POV-Ray but of pov-mode. Since most
people who use pov-mode do not use the internal render feature it might
take some time until someone fixes this.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 01 May. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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