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l'ombre d'un objet sur le "sol".
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On Friday 04 June 2004 16:04, marc bonnamy wrote :
> Je me demande dans quelle mesure il est possible avec Pov-Ray de
> tout information.
> Marc.
I guess there are 1 or 2 persons beside me that have trouble reading this :)
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You should post to povray.international.
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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demandez il est difficile de faire. Si vous savez C ou C++, vous pourriez
modifier le code du POV-rayon pour faire ceci. Si vous pas , la seule
d'employer cette image.
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Ger nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/06/04 10:38... :
>On Friday 04 June 2004 16:04, marc bonnamy wrote :
>>Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous,
>>dans le cadre d'un projet j'ai besoin de faire de l'analyse d'ombrage ?
>>partir d'un lanceur de rayons. Naturellement on m'a orient? vers POV-RAY
>>que je d?couvre.
>>Je me demande dans quelle mesure il est possible avec Pov-Ray de
>>r?cup?rer des entit?s impact?es par une ombre pour pouvoir apr?s les
>>?crire dans un fichier et ?ventuellement par la suite trait? ces
>>informations ? Pour ?tre plus illustratif, imaginons que selon mon
>>mod?le je projette l'ombre d'un objet sur le "sol".
>>Je souhaiterai pouvoir identifier tous les "?l?ments" recouvert par
>>l'ombre et ?ventuellement la "densit?" de cette ombre.
>>En esp?rant que ma question est compr?hensible, j'attends avidemment
>>tout information.
>>Merci ? la communaut?.
>I guess there are 1 or 2 persons beside me that have trouble reading this :)
Use ISO-8859-1 character set, universal western standard. You are set to
UTF-8 and it don't recognize accentuated characters.
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On Friday 04 June 2004 20:32, Alain wrote :
> Use ISO-8859-1 character set, universal western standard. You are set to
> UTF-8 and it don't recognize accentuated characters.
> Alain
I think you misunderstood :). Not everyone here speaks French.
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Babblefish gives us English folks this:
Hello with all and all,
within the framework d'un project j'ai need to make l'analyse d'ombrage
leave d'un launcher rays. Naturally one m'a directed towards POV-RAY which I
I wonder up to what point it is possible with Pov-Ray to recover entities
impacted by a shade to be able after writing them in a file and possibly
thereafter processed these data? To be more illustrative, let us imagine
that according to my model I project l'ombre d'un object on the "sol". I
will wish to be able to identify all the "elements" covered by l'ombre and
I hope that my question is comprehensible, j'attends avidemment any
information. Thank you at the community.
"marc bonnamy" <mbo### [at] ausy fr> wrote in message
> l'ombre d'un objet sur le "sol".
> information.
> Marc.
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Harold nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/06/04 17:08... :
>Babblefish gives us English folks this:
>Hello with all and all,
>within the framework d'un project j'ai need to make l'analyse d'ombrage
>leave d'un launcher rays. Naturally one m'a directed towards POV-RAY which I
>I wonder up to what point it is possible with Pov-Ray to recover entities
>impacted by a shade to be able after writing them in a file and possibly
>thereafter processed these data? To be more illustrative, let us imagine
>that according to my model I project l'ombre d'un object on the "sol". I
>will wish to be able to identify all the "elements" covered by l'ombre and
>I hope that my question is comprehensible, j'attends avidemment any
>information. Thank you at the community.
>"marc bonnamy" <mbo### [at] ausy fr> wrote in message
>>l'ombre d'un objet sur le "sol".
Hoo! the /Joys/ of automated translation... Whatever the original and
loony toonesk language.
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Thank you for you help, and i'm sorry to not speaking and writing a good
news: 40c0a3aa$1@news.povray.org...
> demandez il est difficile de faire. Si vous savez C ou C++, vous pourriez
> modifier le code du POV-rayon pour faire ceci. Si vous pas , la seule
> d'employer cette image.
> Chris
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And lo on Fri, 04 Jun 2004 18:02:46 -0400, Alain <aze### [at] qwerty gov> did
spake, saying:
> Harold nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/06/04 17:08... :
>> Babblefish gives us English folks this:
> Hoo! the /Joys/ of automated translation... Whatever the original and
> loony toonesk language.
Lycos's http://translation.lycos.com/ :
Hello with all and all, within the framework of a project I need to
make analysis of shade starting from a launcher of rays. Naturally one
directed me towards POV-RAY which I discover. I wonder up to what
point it is possible with Pov-Ray to recover entities impacted by a
shade to be able after writing them in a file and possibly thereafter
processed these data? To be more illustrative, let us imagine that
according to my model I project the shade of an object on the
"ground". I will wish to be able to identify all the "elements"
covered by the shade and possibly the "density" of this shade. By
hoping that my question is comprehensible, I await any information
avidemment. Thank you at the community. Marc.
Still didn't get avidemment and still a bit looney-toonesk, but still
sense can be discerned a little better than Babblefish's for future
Phil Cook
All thoughts and comments are my own unless otherwise stated and I am
happy to be proven wrong.
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