Here below there is a sample. It model a square subdivided in 8 triangles.
By assigning a texture in each vertex the trasparency should be smooth. On
the contrary you can see that each trangle has its own value, there is
discontinuity between triangles.
Could you tell me why? In my opinion it is due to the very little dimension
of the triangles. Could it be correct as I cannot increase the dimension of
camera {
location <0,-2,1.5>
look_at <0,98,1.5>
up <0,0,1>
right -x *1.3333
angle 20
#declare texture_screen = texture {
pigment { color rgb<1,1,1> }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 2 }
#declare dist=25 ;
#declare nAng=6;
#declare Ang=radians(5);
#declare AngMax=nAng*Ang;
#declare lScreen=dist*tan(AngMax) ;
polygon {
<lScreen, lScreen>, <-lScreen, lScreen>, <-lScreen, -lScreen>,
<lScreen, -lScreen>
texture { texture_screen }
rotate <90,0,0>
translate <0, dist, 0>
light_source {<0,0,0>,rgb 0.2
point_at <0, 100, 0>
radius 80
falloff 80
fade_distance 25
fade_power 2
// angH(i)=91,25// angV(j)=88,75
#declare texture_1 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.5625 }}
#declare texture_2 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.7656 }}
#declare texture_3 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.5469 }}
#declare texture_4 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.3906 }}
#declare texture_5 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.5469 }}
#declare texture_6 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.6562 }}
#declare texture_7 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.4688 }}
#declare texture_8 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.4688 }}
#declare texture_9 = texture { pigment {color rgb 0 transmit 1.6562 }}
mesh {
texture_list { texture_1 texture_2 texture_6 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_9 texture_2 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_6 texture_3 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_3 texture_7 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_7 texture_4 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_4 texture_8 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_8 texture_5 } }
texture_list { texture_1 texture_5 texture_9 } }
"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> ha scritto nel messaggio
> A simple sample scene would help a lot for people to visualize what you
> are talking about...
> --
> #macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb
> [1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
> -1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// -
Warp -
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