I've made some software that generates .pov files.. and i'd like to know how
i can run pov-ray from command-line with a .pov file as a parameter.. i'd
like to set other things as output size, AA quality and more..
is this doable?
thanks in advance,
lars petter!
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"lars petter" <lar### [at] hig no> wrote in message
> I've made some software that generates .pov files.. and i'd like to know
> i can run pov-ray from command-line with a .pov file as a parameter.. i'd
> also
> like to set other things as output size, AA quality and more..
> is this doable?
Yes, I know the Windows platform versions can do this anyway. For example, I
might use:
C:\>set path=%PATH%;c:\progra~1\pov-ra~1.5\bin
to get POV into the path first (the ~1.5 condensing the POV-Ray for Windows
3.5 for long filename compatibility), then run the executable.
C:\>pvengine.exe /render c:\progra~1\pov-ra~1.5\scenes\fish.pov -w160 -h120
That /render switch to render (obviously) whatever file you state afterward,
or /edit can be used to just open the file for further editing instead of
rendering. I believe all other switches will be valid too, those like width
and height and antialiasing, etc. or you could output a INI file with all
that in it and simply run those by adding the filename on the command-line
along with the POV file.
Bob H.
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