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The code below works, but by my reasoning it shouldn't. I had to move a
"}" to what is "clearly" the "wrong" location (obviously it isn't wrong,
since it works; what is wrong is my logic.) When I close out my objects
the way I think I should, I get a parse error. Can someone spot my
(If the code seems a bit strange, it's because I've stripped it down as
much as I can, I think, and still have the problem.)
//Ball-And-Stick Fragment
#macro B_And_S_Triangle(V_Array,BR,SR)
union {
sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb x }
translate V_Array[0]}
sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb y }
translate V_Array[1]}
sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb z }
translate V_Array[2]}
cylinder { V_Array[0], V_Array[1], SR
pigment { color rgb x+y } }
cylinder { V_Array[0], V_Array[2], SR
pigment { color rgb x+y } }
cylinder { V_Array[1], V_Array[2], SR
pigment { color rgb x+y } }
//Of Macro The problem's probably somewhere above, but I can't find it.
// Second macro, calls above macro twice:
#macro Ball_And_Stick(SArray,DArray,B_Rad,S_Rad)
#declare Source_Triangle =
#declare Destination_Triangle =
//Here's "misplaced" "}"
object { Source_Triangle }}
//I think there should only be one "}" ending above object
object { Destination_Triangle }
#end //Of 2nd macro
// Here's the main body
#declare Source_Points = array[3];
#declare Source_Points[0] = <0, 0, 0>;
#declare Source_Points[1] = <0, 5, 0>;
#declare Source_Points[2] = <5, 0, 0>;
#declare Destination_Points = array[3];
#declare Destination_Points[0] = <1, 1, 0>;
#declare Destination_Points[1] = <2, 1, 0>;
#declare Destination_Points[2] = <1, 2, 0>;
//Here's "missing" "}"
object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1)
//I think there should be a "}" to end the above object.
camera { angle 60 location <3, 3, -20>
look_at <3, 3, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y }
light_source { -100*z color rgb 1 }
background { color rgb 0.7 }
I've been tearing out what little hair I have left, trying to solve
this. Thanks in advance for any help.
Dave Matthews
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Never mind. I found it. I need a "union" in my second macro to make it
work the way I thought it should -- i.e. treat it as a single object.
Dave Matthews
Dave Matthews wrote:
> The code below works, but by my reasoning it shouldn't. I had to move a
> "}" to what is "clearly" the "wrong" location (obviously it isn't wrong,
> since it works; what is wrong is my logic.) When I close out my objects
> the way I think I should, I get a parse error. Can someone spot my
> mistake?
> (If the code seems a bit strange, it's because I've stripped it down as
> much as I can, I think, and still have the problem.)
> ////////Code
> //Ball-And-Stick Fragment
> #macro B_And_S_Triangle(V_Array,BR,SR)
> union {
> sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb x }
> translate V_Array[0]}
> sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb y }
> translate V_Array[1]}
> sphere { 0, 1 scale BR pigment { color rgb z }
> translate V_Array[2]}
> cylinder { V_Array[0], V_Array[1], SR
> pigment { color rgb x+y } }
> cylinder { V_Array[0], V_Array[2], SR
> pigment { color rgb x+y } }
> cylinder { V_Array[1], V_Array[2], SR
> pigment { color rgb x+y } }
> }
> #end
> //Of Macro The problem's probably somewhere above, but I can't find it.
> // Second macro, calls above macro twice:
> #macro Ball_And_Stick(SArray,DArray,B_Rad,S_Rad)
> #declare Source_Triangle =
> B_And_S_Triangle(SArray,B_Rad,S_Rad)
> #declare Destination_Triangle =
> B_And_S_Triangle(DArray,B_Rad/2,S_Rad/2)
> //Here's "misplaced" "}"
> object { Source_Triangle }}
> //I think there should only be one "}" ending above object
> object { Destination_Triangle }
> #end //Of 2nd macro
> // Here's the main body
> #declare Source_Points = array[3];
> #declare Source_Points[0] = <0, 0, 0>;
> #declare Source_Points[1] = <0, 5, 0>;
> #declare Source_Points[2] = <5, 0, 0>;
> #declare Destination_Points = array[3];
> #declare Destination_Points[0] = <1, 1, 0>;
> #declare Destination_Points[1] = <2, 1, 0>;
> #declare Destination_Points[2] = <1, 2, 0>;
> //Here's "missing" "}"
> object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1)
> //I think there should be a "}" to end the above object.
> camera { angle 60 location <3, 3, -20>
> look_at <3, 3, 0>
> right x*image_width/image_height
> up y }
> light_source { -100*z color rgb 1 }
> background { color rgb 0.7 }
> //////////////////////////
> I've been tearing out what little hair I have left, trying to solve
> this. Thanks in advance for any help.
> Dave Matthews
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Wasn't it Dave Matthews who wrote:
>The code below works, but by my reasoning it shouldn't. I had to move a
>"}" to what is "clearly" the "wrong" location (obviously it isn't wrong,
>since it works; what is wrong is my logic.) When I close out my objects
>the way I think I should, I get a parse error. Can someone spot my
The problem is that the Ball_And_Stick() macro doesn't return an object,
it returns two objects. So you can't say
object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
You can fix it by saying
union { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
or by making Ball_And_Stick() return a single union of the two objects
union {
object { Source_Triangle }
object { Destination_Triangle }
object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
The error message isn't very helpful, but I guess that the POV parser
got just as confused as you did.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Mike Williams wrote:
> The problem is that the Ball_And_Stick() macro doesn't return an object,
> it returns two objects. So you can't say
> object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
> You can fix it by saying
> union { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
> or by making Ball_And_Stick() return a single union of the two objects
> union {
> object { Source_Triangle }
> object { Destination_Triangle }
> }
> ...
> object { Ball_And_Stick(Source_Points,Destination_Points,0.5, 0.1) }
> The error message isn't very helpful, but I guess that the POV parser
> got just as confused as you did.
Thanks, Mike.
As you can see, above, I finally found it also. Actually what made it
dawn on me, was trying to translate the whole thing. Only the first
part moved, then I realized that I had two objects.
Dave Matthews
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