In article <406b8af6$1@news.povray.org>,
Howard Kern <how### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Is there some way to make available the co-ordinates comprising an
> objects surface -
No. POV-Ray doesn't even know the points on the surface of an object
until it does a ray test against it. Since there are infinitely many
such points, and a really, really big number of points that can be
uniquely represented by POV-Ray vectors, I don't think this is what
you're asking. Maybe you're under the mistaken impression that POV-Ray
tessellates objects to meshes internally, this is only done for height
fields and bicubic patches.
> or perhaps more generally, a way to pass POV-ray a
> spline and have it generate arbitrary points on that spline's surface?
That's possible. A more detailed answer would require more information
to start with. You might find what you want on these newsgroups, several
people have written includes and macros for this purpose:
> I'm working on a simple macro and I need some way to figure out the
> distance between a point on a spline and the line stretching from that
> spline's start to end point.
Well, that's quite easy, and doesn't have anything to do with object
surfaces or even splines. You're just finding the distance between a
point and a line segment.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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