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I've been lucky enough to get hold of a second flat-panel LCD monitor for my
PC, but the colour profile is quite different from my main monitor. Does
anyone have any recommendations for getting them to match?
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In article <404b0fa5@news.povray.org> , "Ian Shumsky"
<ian### [at] outerarm demon co uk> wrote:
> I've been lucky enough to get hold of a second flat-panel LCD monitor for my
> PC, but the colour profile is quite different from my main monitor. Does
> anyone have any recommendations for getting them to match?
You have to calibrate both, isn't that obvious? The simplest way is to use
whatever tool came with your graphics card or (if it was expensive) LCD
display to do gamma correction. That will get you somewhat close. However,
for proper calibration you will need to rent (or buy, with serious ones
starting not below US$200) an external calibration device. It will build a
color profile of your display, and then you of course need a graphics card
(or display, if it was expensive) to make use of that calibration data.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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On Sun, 07 Mar 2004 13:24:54 +0100, "Thorsten Froehlich"
<tho### [at] trf de> wrote:
>In article <404b0fa5@news.povray.org> , "Ian Shumsky"
><ian### [at] outerarm demon co uk> wrote:
>> I've been lucky enough to get hold of a second flat-panel LCD monitor for my
>> PC, but the colour profile is quite different from my main monitor. Does
>> anyone have any recommendations for getting them to match?
>You have to calibrate both, isn't that obvious?
No, it's not obvious to him otherwise he would not have asked. Why do
you have to take that tone in answering people?
My First Subgenius Picture Book:
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> > I've been lucky enough to get hold of a second flat-panel LCD monitor
for my
> > PC, but the colour profile is quite different from my main monitor. Does
> > anyone have any recommendations for getting them to match?
> You have to calibrate both, isn't that obvious?
Absolutely -- that's why I asked the question. I should probably have been a
bit clearer... I've gamma corrected both monitors under the same lighting
conditions and followed a couple of web calibration suggestions
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,989855,00.asp (utility on last pages))
but the monitors still don't display the same colours. I've loaded the same
colour profiles for each display, but this didn't make any difference. The
new monitor is a LCD TV with PC in and I suspect that is the problem. It
defaults to a 'cool' temperature for PC input which is quite different from
the sRGB (6500K) setting for the main LCD monitor. I've tried changing this
and the RGB values, but I just can't get a match. I've managed to get the
displays similar enough that they will suffice, but they are not perfect
> The simplest way is to use
> whatever tool came with your graphics card or (if it was expensive) LCD
> display to do gamma correction.
I've done this for B&W, but I'm not sure about the RGB adjustments.
> That will get you somewhat close. However,
> for proper calibration you will need to rent (or buy, with serious ones
> starting not below US$200) an external calibration device. It will build
> color profile of your display, and then you of course need a graphics card
> (or display, if it was expensive) to make use of that calibration data.
Thanks for the info. I didn't know that there was hardware out there that
would calibrate you monitors (though I do remember a Sony engineer arriving
on site many years ago to adjust the magnets around a 30" display as the
localised magnetic fields were distorting the image), but unfortunately I
can't afford to buy the stuff. I'll look into rental and see what is
available around my neck of the woods.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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