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My Norton AntiVirus didn't like this in my mailbox today :/
From: 3a3fe52d@news.povray.org
Subject: Weekly activity report
Virus: W32.Beagle.E@mm
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I have not had that one. I am quite sure
that if you look at all the headers you will
find that the mail was not sent from the
pov-ray news server and that the sender
is a totally faked address.
It is too easy to fake addresses. My address
has also been used to sent fake e-mails.
I sometimes get mail that the mail 'I' sent
was undeliverable because ..@nospam...
could not be found. Looking at the headers
I then find out that I apparently had been to
England or Australia yesterday. Pity I did
not tell myself.
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"andrel" <a_l### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
news:404### [at] hotmail com...
> I have not had that one. I am quite sure
> that if you look at all the headers you will
> find that the mail was not sent from the
> pov-ray news server and that the sender
> is a totally faked address.
Yes, I know that. Amongst other things, this virus looks on _your_ PC
for valid addresses to use :(
My post was intended as a caution to others.
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"Alf Peake" <alf### [at] peake42 freeserve co uk> wrote in message
> "andrel" <a_l### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> news:404### [at] hotmail com...
> > I have not had that one. I am quite sure
> > that if you look at all the headers you will
> > find that the mail was not sent from the
> > pov-ray news server and that the sender
> > is a totally faked address.
> Yes, I know that. Amongst other things, this virus looks on _your_ PC
> for valid addresses to use :(
> My post was intended as a caution to others.
Noticed your word of caution message a little while after getting what might
have been a similar thing, but since I hadn't looked beyond the e-mail
address being from povray.org too I didn't bother with it, thinking it a
fluke at the time.
One arrived just now (a NetSky virus) from 7se### [at] netplex aussie org and
interestingly enough it appears it might be taken from the following message
http://news.povray.org/povray.documentation.inbuilt/message/%3CX### [at] netplex aussie org%3E/
Needless to say there's a plague of these going on the past few months. I
lost count, whereas a year or more ago I never got anything.
My mother calls to tell me about getting them occasionally and keeps asking
me when they'll stop showing up at her inbox. She actually seems to get more
than I do and I tend to blame her large network of friends, e-mailing every
friend and relative they know of which must eventually number in the
hundreds. They'll run any kind of strange executables at the drop of a hat,
or did moreso in the past, so I refrain from any contact if I can prevent
it. :-)
Bob H.
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"Hughes, B." <omn### [at] charter net> wrote in message
> Needless to say there's a plague of these going on the past few
months. I
> lost count, whereas a year or more ago I never got anything.
Todays mail - 2 Netsky.D and 4 Netsky.P, including 2 from povray.org
Total mail today - 7, so you can tell I'm not busy email-wise.
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