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Well, entries for the POVRay short code competition has been officially
closed for more than a day and there isn't a backlog of entries to render
so the voting might as well start. Point your browsers at
I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
Paul Bourke
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On Tue, 02 Mar 2004 20:19:23 +1100, Paul Bourke <pdb### [at] swin edu au>
> --
> Paul Bourke
> pdb_NOSPAMswin.edu.au
Good work with maintaining it Paul.
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Looks great. I wil have a hard time choosing :)
A couple remarks:
- I downloaded all the images. If some 1000 people
are going to do that also, you will have generated
a lot of extra traffic for your department.
Have you got clearance for that?
- In the downloaded version I do miss an overview page.
- For me the small 300x225 versions would have sufficed.
perhaps you can create two versions for download
one containing the small ones only (plus index page).
Paul Bourke wrote:
> Well, entries for the POVRay short code competition has been officially
> closed for more than a day and there isn't a backlog of entries to render
> so the voting might as well start. Point your browsers at
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
> I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
> this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
> consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
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One other minor detail. The files in the archive have
6 character names. Only the first 3 are used for voting.
I think it is obvious but it does not harm to point
that out somewhere (or change the names in the archive).
Paul Bourke wrote:
> Well, entries for the POVRay short code competition has been officially
> closed for more than a day and there isn't a backlog of entries to render
> so the voting might as well start. Point your browsers at
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
> I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
> this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
> consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
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From: Francois Labreque
Subject: Re: POVRay short code contest - voting open
Date: 2 Mar 2004 07:36:12
Message: <40447fbc$1@news.povray.org>
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Program ended abnormally on 02/03/2004 04:19, Due to a catastrophic Paul Bourke
> Well, entries for the POVRay short code competition has been officially
> closed for more than a day and there isn't a backlog of entries to render
> so the voting might as well start. Point your browsers at
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
> I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
> this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
> consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
Good job to all who entered!
It's going to be extremely difficult to chose just 6.
/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
/* flabreque */L)polygon{5,F,F+z,L+z,L,F pigment{rgb 9}}#end union
/* @ */{P(0,a)P(a,b)P(b,c)P(2*a,2*b)P(2*b,b+c)P(b+c,<2,3>)
/* videotron.ca */}camera{orthographic location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a }
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pdb### [at] swin edu au news:pdb_NOSPAM-
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
> I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
> this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
> consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
Thankgs for organizing this :)
Btw ther was a slight bug in "Ruk" entry, the code represents an He atom,
with 2 electrons on orbit. In final version camera is rotated so that only
one electron is visible, so I had removed the other one to shorten code.
But I did removed the wrong one :/
Code is:
camera{blur_samples 999translate-z*10rotate
45aperture.03}global_settings{radiosity{count 999}#macro A(T,C)sphere{T
1pigment{rgb 1+C}}#end}A(x-y,z)A(z-1x)A(x+y,x)A(-x+y,z)union{
A(x*8z+x)torus{8 .3}pigment{granite}finish{ambient 7}rotate 85}
and the last line is wrong and should be ofcourse
A(-x*8z+x)torus{8 .3}pigment{granite}finish{ambient 7}rotate 85}
because A(x*8, z+x) object is not in field-of-view and does nothing.
This image will not won enything either way, but if You have time to fix
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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Well done!
Will we get to see the code for these works?
"Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <spa### [at] raf256 com> wrote in message
> pdb### [at] swin edu au news:pdb_NOSPAM-
> AC55A9.20192302032004@news.povray.org
> > http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
> > I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries
> > this round. There is no need to rush in with your votes but rather
> > consider them carefully....voting won't close until the 10th.
> Thankgs for organizing this :)
> Btw ther was a slight bug in "Ruk" entry, the code represents an He atom,
> with 2 electrons on orbit. In final version camera is rotated so that only
> one electron is visible, so I had removed the other one to shorten code.
> But I did removed the wrong one :/
> Code is:
> camera{blur_samples 999translate-z*10rotate
> 45aperture.03}global_settings{radiosity{count 999}#macro A(T,C)sphere{T
> 1pigment{rgb 1+C}}#end}A(x-y,z)A(z-1x)A(x+y,x)A(-x+y,z)union{
> A(x*8z+x)torus{8 .3}pigment{granite}finish{ambient 7}rotate 85}
> and the last line is wrong and should be ofcourse
> A(-x*8z+x)torus{8 .3}pigment{granite}finish{ambient 7}rotate 85}
> ^
> because A(x*8, z+x) object is not in field-of-view and does nothing.
> This image will not won enything either way, but if You have time to fix
> it...
> --
> http://www.raf256.com/3d/
> Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
> Computer Graphics
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> Well done!
> Will we get to see the code for these works?
Sure, when the voting is over and the winners announced, there will
be a page dedicated to the "event". Images, scores, code, comments,
panel judges critique....etc.
Paul Bourke
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On Tue, 02 Mar 2004 20:19:23 +1100, Paul Bourke
<pdb### [at] swin edu au> wrote:
>so the voting might as well start. Point your browsers at
> http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/scc3/entries/
Woa. Some mega-cool stuff there. While looking at that
page, I keep repeating "how did they *fit* that in 256
bytes?". :)
I'm going to learn a lot from the source (when it is made
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