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Something that's always given me trouble is the scaling
factor to use with the woods.inc textures. One time I made
a set of planks to test them out, but don't remember the
I understand that the long-grain is the Z direction. But
what is the unit size? Is it one unit per growth ring, or
what? That is, how many POV units wide is a 2x4?
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Render ....\POV-Ray for Windows v3.5\scenes\incdemo\woods\woods1.pov
The model features blocks with horizontal dimensions 2x2 POV units.
Judging by the result one would say that 1 POV unit would scale to 0.5 inch
or so, but you can tune this to your liking, of course.
"John M. Dlugosz" <wtb### [at] sneakemail com> schreef in bericht
> Something that's always given me trouble is the scaling
> factor to use with the woods.inc textures. One time I made
> a set of planks to test them out, but don't remember the
> results.
> I understand that the long-grain is the Z direction. But
> what is the unit size? Is it one unit per growth ring, or
> what? That is, how many POV units wide is a 2x4?
> --John
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In article <40455fa9$1@news.povray.org>,
"John M. Dlugosz" <wtb### [at] sneakemail com> wrote:
> I understand that the long-grain is the Z direction. But
> what is the unit size? Is it one unit per growth ring, or
> what? That is, how many POV units wide is a 2x4?
That's a meaningless question. POV units don't have any relation to
real-world units. Just scale the wood textures until they look right in
the scene scale you are using.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
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