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Estimados amigos del grupo de noticias:
web que permita exhibir las creaciones realizadas por los usuarios de este
programa. La idea es crear una especie de "museo virtual" en el cual se
puedan mostrar vuestras creaciones en una forma ordenada, como sucede como
los museos normales, de forma tal que los visitantes puedan, de manera
avances del proyecto a medida que este se desarrolle y en dondes espero
recibir vuestros comentarios y sugerencias.
en dicho sitio.
Pablo Viojo
pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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Hola Pablo,
Lot of people among us only understand english, so that on these news we
use to write messages in English. If you want us to participate to your
site you'd better translate it. There is also the povray.international
group for writing in any language.
Also, it seems that http://www.pviojo.cjb.net/povmuseum/ is not reachable.
Muchas personas solo entienden ingles aqui, pues en este grupo solemos
escribir mensajes en ingles. Si quieres que participemos en tu sitio
seria mejor traducirlo. Tambien hay el grupo povray.international si
Otra cosa es que http://www.pviojo.cjb.net/povmuseum/ no parece existir.
Pablo Viojo wrote:
> Estimados amigos del grupo de noticias:
> web que permita exhibir las creaciones realizadas por los usuarios de este
> programa. La idea es crear una especie de "museo virtual" en el cual se
> puedan mostrar vuestras creaciones en una forma ordenada, como sucede como
> los museos normales, de forma tal que los visitantes puedan, de manera
> avances del proyecto a medida que este se desarrolle y en dondes espero
> recibir vuestros comentarios y sugerencias.
> en dicho sitio.
> Pablo Viojo
> pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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Sounds like a great idea.
Steven Pigeon, Ph. D.
pig### [at] iro umontreal ca
"Pablo Viojo" <arr### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> Estimados amigos del grupo de noticias:
> web que permita exhibir las creaciones realizadas por los usuarios de este
> programa. La idea es crear una especie de "museo virtual" en el cual se
> puedan mostrar vuestras creaciones en una forma ordenada, como sucede como
> los museos normales, de forma tal que los visitantes puedan, de manera
> avances del proyecto a medida que este se desarrolle y en dondes espero
> recibir vuestros comentarios y sugerencias.
> en dicho sitio.
> Pablo Viojo
> pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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Ehhh...... and what about the carrots?
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I know that people who write here speaks different languages so I think it
would be better to write in english.
I'm translating the website (i hope it will be ready soon) so everyone can
understand it and participate in the project.
> Also, it seems that http://www.pviojo.cjb.net/povmuseum/ is not reachable.
I'm sorry, the correct URL is http://povmuseum.cjb.net
Pablo Viojo
pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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Hi all:
I'm sorry, the correct URL is http://povmuseum.cjb.net
Pablo Viojo
pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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"Pablo Viojo" <arr### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
| I'm translating the website (i hope it will be ready soon) so everyone
| can understand it and participate in the project.
This *might* help get you started. A loose and brief (accurate?)
This is the main page of the POVMuseum Project. This page will serve as
a link between all persons interested in the project.
The objective of this project is the construction of a virtual museum to
display and catalogue works created by the users of POV-Ray and similar
programs around the world.
To achieve this objective, the museum will be organized into different
"rooms," each containing works related to one of a selection of general
subjects: nature, interior, abstract art, science-fiction, etc.. Within
each room, the works will be more specifically categorized.
Information to be stored:
Each image will have stored and will be accessible by information such
as the title, description, author, and tools used in addition to the
name and nationality of the author.
I expect to be able, in a few days, to place a link to a test page on
which to begin implementing all of these ideas. I await comments and
suggestions regarding this idea, and any offers of collaboration will be
well received.
| I'm sorry, the correct URL is http://povmuseum.cjb.net
nice looking page
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Thank you so much. I'm uploading that now.
Pablo Viojo
pvi### [at] adinet com uy
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I think it would be helpful to build a great interface
Pablo Viojo
pvi### [at] adinet com uy
> Shay wrote:
> > Objective:
> > The objective of this project is the construction of a virtual museum to
> > display and catalogue works created by the users of POV-Ray and similar
> > programs around the world.
> Coool. I'm just finishing up a program that might help build the
> structure of the museum. It's designed to let you simply describe
> buildings (castles, to start with, but that's just simple macros to
> replace) and make Myst-like walkthrus via web pages. It might give a
> touch of realism on the layout if that's the goal.
> --
> Darren New, San Diego CA USA (PST)
> I am in geocentric orbit, supported by
> a quantum photon exchange drive....
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"Pablo Viojo" <arr### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> I think it would be helpful to build a great interface
... in English.
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