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In preparation for our move to the new server, this news server will shortly
be made 'read only' as the contents are copied to the new one and the DNS
records changed.
If you find you cannot connect, or you can but you can't post, then you'll
know the reason.
You will know you have connected to the new server if you see a followup
to this message from me saying as much ... that message won't be posted on
the old one. Apart from that there ought to be no visible change. Article
numbers will stay the same.
-- Chris
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> In preparation for our move to the new server, this news server will shortly
> be made 'read only' as the contents are copied to the new one and the DNS
> records changed.
> If you find you cannot connect, or you can but you can't post, then you'll
> know the reason.
> You will know you have connected to the new server if you see a followup
> to this message from me saying as much ... that message won't be posted on
> the old one. Apart from that there ought to be no visible change. Article
> numbers will stay the same.
If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
-- Chris
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Chris Cason wrote:
> If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
Nicely done.
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> If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
Looks exactly like the old one to me ;)
It did go ultra-smooth (from my end at least).
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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> If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
"Hello, New Server" ;-)
(As Gilles says, yeah - ultrasmooooth)
- NC
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"Gilles Tran" <tra### [at] inapg inra fr> wrote in
> message de news:400de384@news.povray.org...
>> If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
> Looks exactly like the old one to me ;)
What new server?
The Internet Movie Project
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has anyone else had problems accessing
the newsgroups via the web interface?
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> has anyone else had problems accessing
> the newsgroups via the web interface?
Yes, I tried today and yesterday without luck.
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In article <jktu00tcoh5dol9od8vimh6ov1lh3getv6@4ax.com> , Richard Morehouse
<rmo### [at] cox net> wrote:
> has anyone else had problems accessing
> the newsgroups via the web interface?
Its offline!
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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"Chris Cason" <new### [at] delete this povray org> wrote in message
> If you are reading this, you are seeing the new server.
The web interface is still down, right? or stuck at 2 days ago content?
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