I'm working on an animation of a landscape flyover, the landscape being
designed as a heightfield.
At present, I'm working on this manually by hand in Paintshop which is a
laborious process starting to cost me my eyesight.
In the past, I used to use Terrain Maker by Eric Jorgensen .... until I
switched over to Windows XP Professional which doesn't seem to like Terrain
Maker enough to let me use it any more.
Obviously, using Terrain Maker would be most handy and I am wondering if
anyone has managed to have it work in XP Professional or if there is
something with the same functionality that I could use instead.
Can anyone help please?
Thanks in advance,
min### [at] iinet net au
(reply with "povray" in the subject header to bypass my spam filters)
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> Obviously, using Terrain Maker would be most handy and I am wondering if
> anyone has managed to have it work in XP Professional or if there is
> something with the same functionality that I could use instead.
No experience here with Terrain Maker but a few utilities I had suddenly
stopped working when I switched to XP. Their authors updated them and they
work fine now. If Eric Jorgensen doesn't update Terrain Maker (he stopped
the development apparently), you may consider using another terrain utility,
such as Terragen, World Machine or Leveller. Terragen doesn't export to
POV-Ray directly but there's a plug-in to export TG terrains as BMP images
(http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~jomeder/feo/index.html, untested).
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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