A few questions about focal blur which are not answered in the docs.
1. What is the shape of depth of field (DOF)? Plane? I'd like to suggest
(in future revisions) a possibility to alter the shape as in real
lenses. However, I don't know what is the correct mathematical
representation (paraboloid maybe?).
2. How is this DOF plane aligned? Is there allways a normal in DOF
plane, that goes through look_at point and location or can it be aligned
differently so that the normal goes from focal_point to camera location
and the look_at point is not on this line?
Severi Salminen
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Severi Salminen wrote:
>A few questions about focal blur which are not answered in the docs.
>1. What is the shape of depth of field (DOF)? Plane? I'd like to suggest
>(in future revisions) a possibility to alter the shape as in real
>lenses. However, I don't know what is the correct mathematical
>representation (paraboloid maybe?).
>2. How is this DOF plane aligned? Is there allways a normal in DOF
>plane, that goes through look_at point and location or can it be aligned
>differently so that the normal goes from focal_point to camera location
>and the look_at point is not on this line?
>Severi Salminen
You may care to study the content of this article from a SIGGRAPH
'A realistic camera model for computer graphics'
by Messrs. Kolb,Mitchell and Hanrahan
It's a capability that would be a 'useful' upgrade ( for me ,anyway!) to
POV3.5 - but quite intensive to implement....and probably of not wide use.
I use the 'photon-mapping' capability of POVRAY3.5 to analyse lenses of
similar complexity to those described in that article. I have developed
macros which take the optical prescription used to build the lens and allow
analysis of aberrations ( more easily done during the normal design process
) but more importantly the stray light from reflections at lens surfaces
and barrels. This latter is normally extremely difficult but is relatively
straightforward in POVRAY3.5
A more general improvement to POVRAY of interest to many users would be the
capability of modeling the rotationally symettric surfaces of the form
z = z(sphere) + Ad* r^4 +Ae*r^6+....etc
where r^2 = x^2 + y^2
I use isosurfaces to do this....but they seem very slow to raytrace compared
with the routines used in traditional optical design programs, typically
Welford's classic text 'Aberrations of symettrical optical systems'
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