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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Unconvincing TV raster texture using existing PNG
Date: 26 Nov 2003 18:01:26
Message: <3fc530c6@news.povray.org>
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Here it is. Any improvements?
#declare slidetext1=
texture{ pigment{image_map {png "mimeslide020593.png" map_type 0
once }}finish{ambient .4 diffuse 0}}
texture{pigment{rgbf <1,1,1,1>}}
#declare slidetext2=
texture{ pigment{image_map {png "mimeslide020593.png" map_type 0
once }}finish{ambient <1,3,1> diffuse 0}}
texture{pigment{rgbf <1,1,1,1>}}
gradient y
[0.25 slidetext1]// finish{ambient rgb<1,1.5,1>}]//
pigment{rgbf <1,1.0,1,0.95> } ]
[0.25 slidetext2]// finish{ambient rgb
100}]//<1,0.5,1>}]// pigment{rgbf <1,1.0,1,0.95> } ]
//[0.25 pigment{rgbf <1,26.0,0,0.95>}]
frequency 50 }
scale 400
translate 600*z}
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I'm trying to come up with a way to make a pre-existing image show up on a
TV screen in my image with some sort of distortion. All the ideas I can
come up with make it look like the people are hiding behind a fence instead
of duplicating a gross rastered effect.
Any tips from those who have mastered this effect?
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From: nospam
Subject: Re: Unconvincing TV raster texture using existing PNG
Date: 27 Nov 2003 23:48:51
Message: <3fc6d290.3794444@localhost>
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On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:01:27 -0500, "Greg M. Johnson"
<gregj;-)565### [at] aol com> wrote:
>Here it is. Any improvements?
I could not get this to work. Hoever, if by
TV, you mean that scanline effect, try this:
---- cut here ---- save as a pov file ----
/* best render this with no anti-aliasing at all! */
/* it is assumed that the input image aspect ratio
and the output image aspect ratio are identical */
#version 3.5;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.2 // set same as your display_gamma setting
noise_generator 1
camera {
location 0
direction <0, 0, 1>
right <1, 0, 0>
up <0, 1, 0>
translate <0, 0, -10>
#declare pic_pig = pigment {
image_map {
sys "screen.bmp" // your image here
interpolate 2 // or not
translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0>
#declare scanline = pigment {
pigment_map {
[ 1 pic_pig ]
[ 1 color rgb 0 ]
plane {
<0, 0, -1>, 0
pigment {
gradient <0, 1, 0>
frequency (image_height / 2) // the trick
pigment_map {
[ 0.5 scanline ]
[ 0.5 pic_pig ]
finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }
/* actual end of this file */
---- cut ----
For a neat trick, render this at different
sizes and see what happens (or rather, what does not
happen) to the size of the scanlines
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: Unconvincing TV raster texture using existing PNG
Date: 28 Nov 2003 21:49:08
Message: <3fc80924@news.povray.org>
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Of course, thank you.
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