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I am impressed with the fleibility of POVRay. I would like to know what's
the best animation/modeling program. I have downloaded tons of stuff and
haven't had a chance to start looking at any one particular package. Let me
know if my list is close or way off:
Dave G's Animation System
Whatever your favorite is?
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Blender has excellent animation support, but I'm not sure about its support
for POV. It's worth a look, anyway.
In fact, it can be used as a plain sequencer with no problems, from output
generated by any renderer.
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Roberto A. het secht:
> Blender has excellent animation support, but I'm not sure about its
> support for POV. It's worth a look, anyway.
> In fact, it can be used as a plain sequencer with no problems, from output
> generated by any renderer.
> Regards,
> Roberto
The Povanim script by jms does a good job.
But it just exports mesh-objects at the moment, so you have to convert nurbs
and curve objects by hand before exporting.
BTW in the next days there will be a new Blender release: 2.30.
Some of the new features:
- new GUI
- loop cut
- face loop selection
- new knife tool
- most/all functions now via menues (no more weird shortcuts)
and much more
(the new version is in the CVS already, the official release will follow)
Give it a try!
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> BTW in the next days there will be a new Blender release: 2.30.
> Some of the new features:
> - new GUI
> - loop cut
> - face loop selection
> - new knife tool
> - most/all functions now via menues (no more weird shortcuts)
> and much more
> http://www.blender.org/
> (the new version is in the CVS already, the official release will follow)
That's excellent news. Do you know if the Python interface will be upgraded
to 2.3? Or will it remain with Python 2.2.2?
And would you have any idea about how many days until the official 2.30 is
out? :-)
Best regards,
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Roberto A. het secht:
> That's excellent news. Do you know if the Python interface will be
> upgraded to 2.3? Or will it remain with Python 2.2.2?
> And would you have any idea about how many days until the official 2.30 is
> out? :-)
> Best regards,
> Roberto
Sorry, don't know about the Python stuff.
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"Will Paris" <wil### [at] sbcglobal net> wrote in message
> I am impressed with the fleibility of POVRay. I would like to know what's
> the best animation/modeling program. I have downloaded tons of stuff and
> haven't had a chance to start looking at any one particular package.
Blender. I just playing with 2.30 (it have undo in modeling mode, it works,
so I'm *very* happy :).
Also there is a great support of users, near the same as POV support. Hope
we will see some better version of POVanim.
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