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I'd like to use a Terragen terrain in a POV scene as a height_field, but I
wasn't able to find an indication on how to achieve this on the newsgroup.
Is there a [free] utility wich could do this, or any other method ?
(OK, I didn't search too long, but I didn't find any answer on the first
couple of pages on google)
Thanks (and sorry if this was a stupid question :-P).
SeeSchloss - GPU.sf.net / Nye.free.fr
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> Hi,
> I'd like to use a Terragen terrain in a POV scene as a height_field, but I
> wasn't able to find an indication on how to achieve this on the newsgroup.
> Is there a [free] utility wich could do this, or any other method ?
There's a Terragen BMP export plug-in here :
World machine can import and export between Terragen and other formats.
(all solutions not tested by me...)
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Gilles Tran wrote:
>There's a Terragen BMP export plug-in here :
>World machine can import and export between Terragen and other formats.
>(all solutions not tested by me...)
Both solutions tested by me & both work fine...
Highly recommend World Machine, since it can export POV .tga, and because it
has some really nice erosion & terracing tools.
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gonzo wrote:
> Gilles Tran wrote:
> >There's a Terragen BMP export plug-in here :
> >http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/%7Ejomeder/feo/index.html
> >
> >World machine can import and export between Terragen and other formats.
> >http://students.washington.edu/sschmitt/world/
> >
> >(all solutions not tested by me...)
> >
> >G.
> Both solutions tested by me & both work fine...
> Highly recommend World Machine, since it can export POV .tga, and because it
> has some really nice erosion & terracing tools.
Leveller also has Terragen support and all kinds of nice erosion and terracing
tools - http://www.daylongraphics.com/
Ken Tyler
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You can also export is as RAW. Photoshop, if you've got it, can import
Then just save them as TGA.
"SeeSchloss" <seeschloss_at_9online.fr> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'd like to use a Terragen terrain in a POV scene as a height_field, but I
> wasn't able to find an indication on how to achieve this on the newsgroup.
> Is there a [free] utility wich could do this, or any other method ?
> (OK, I didn't search too long, but I didn't find any answer on the first
> couple of pages on google)
> Thanks (and sorry if this was a stupid question :-P).
> _______________________________
> SeeSchloss - GPU.sf.net / Nye.free.fr
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> There's a Terragen BMP export plug-in here :
> http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/%7Ejomeder/feo/index.html
> World machine can import and export between Terragen and other formats.
> http://students.washington.edu/sschmitt/world/
Thanks, the problem with FEO is that it exports to 8 bit bitmaps and the
steps are too apparent, but World Machine exports to "Povray TGA16" (I
didn't think of it because I thought it couldn't import files, only make a
terrain and save it) and the result seems better.
And I also found another utility wich seems very useful to convert terrain
files, Wilbur (it can also import .ter and export .tga):
Now I only have to make the atmosphere, clouds, textures look like in
Terragen :-/
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