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Does anyone have any ideas how to generate IFS fractals in Povray.
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<mca### [at] aol com (S McAvoy)> wrote in message
> Does anyone have any ideas how to generate IFS fractals in Povray.
Yup - but only really easy ones. I had a go at it the week before last -
basically by following the fractint docs.
The method goes something like:
Get an array of transformations.
Choose a starting point.
Pick a transformation at random from your list.
Transform your point.
Place a sphere (or for added fun, blob component) at your new point.
Pick a transformation at random from your list.
Transform your point.
...why don't you fill in the rest yourself?
I made a nice Sierpinski style Swiss cheese thing with this method. I would
have posted some pics, but I got sidetracked by other stuff in fractint
(isn't it great?), and forgot about it.
I can post code for the above once I've found where I left it. Would that be
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On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:52:00 +0100, "Luke" <Luk### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
>I made a nice Sierpinski style Swiss cheese thing with this method. I would
>have posted some pics, but I got sidetracked by other stuff in fractint
>(isn't it great?), and forgot about it.
Yes, it is great. It does not run too well on my XP machine, video driver aren't
too clever and it's slow in a DOS box. I was thinking about doing something with
IFS's generated with IFSSPELL
>I can post code for the above once I've found where I left it. Would that be
Yes that would be great. It would give me a starting point.
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> Yes, it is great. It does not run too well on my XP machine, video driver
> too clever and it's slow in a DOS box. I was thinking about doing
something with
> IFS's generated with IFSSPELL
I have to boot from a rescue disk before it works at all, but it's almost as
much fun trying to figure out the docs, then implement the stuff in pov.
I've kind of got inverse-julias working in quaternion space. The
relationship with povray's julia_fractals isn't as close as I'd hoped, but
they're still pretty nifty. Maybe I'll share something one day :)
> >I can post code for the above once I've found where I left it. Would that
> >ok?
> Yes that would be great. It would give me a starting point.
It's on text.scene-files
not very complete I'm afraid, but I hope it's some use.
All the best,
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