I have compiled pov3.5 from source with no options to ./configure
on a Slackware 9 for a big project driven by shell scripts and
When I use the -j option of make (parallel builds), all povray launched
except one die on a segfault. After a few seconds of gdb, the problem
seems to be in SVGA init... More investigation in progress...
As a workaround, is there an option to ./configure for not using svga
functions ?
Best regards from Toulouse, France.
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Th Boudet wrote:
>When I use the -j option of make (parallel builds), all povray launched
>except one die on a segfault. After a few seconds of gdb, the problem
>seems to be in SVGA init... More investigation in progress...
May be my problem is related...
>As a workaround, is there an option to ./configure for not using svga
>functions ?
still looking for that...
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