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From: Tim Nikias v2 0
Subject: Creating Help-File for my PartixGen... WIP
Date: 24 Jul 2003 17:11:02
Message: <3f204b66@news.povray.org>
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So, as some might have noticed, I do have some luck,
and have found my Particle System, only a few
months outdated, on a CD-RW. The last few days I've
spent correcting mistakes, deleting unnecessary
features, and renaming variables to allow a more intuitive
approach. Rendering the old animations for tests,
tweaking the macros, checking the in-code comments...
Anyways, it's closing in on completion, and I've begun
writing the Help-File (my typical HTML Style Help :-).
Problem is, I don't plan on doing a detailed outline of
all 137 variables. Instead, I'll be doing a categorized
For example, all variables concerned with the speed
of particles will be explained in "A Particle's Speed"
or such. And at the end of the Help, I'll create a table
with all variables sorted by their category, each with a
one-, maximum two-sentence rough explanation, and
with links to their category.
Is there a better idea how to do it? I'd like my particle
system to be understood...
Oh, and I've already prepared an Insert Menu for that,
since it would be rather geeky to memorize all 137
variables. :-)
Comments and suggestions, as always, are welcome!
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 18.07.2003
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From: Doug Eichenberg
Subject: Re: Creating Help-File for my PartixGen... WIP
Date: 24 Jul 2003 17:40:39
Message: <3f205257$1@news.povray.org>
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I'm the kind of person that only resorts to the documentation when I can't
figure it out myself. I usually just check the demo code. As long as there
is demo code, the doc's can be fairly minimal IMO.
Douglas C. Eichenberg
dou### [at] nls net
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From: Jellby
Subject: Re: Creating Help-File for my PartixGen... WIP
Date: 24 Jul 2003 18:24:41
Message: <3f205ca8@news.povray.org>
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Among other things, Tim Nikias v2.0 wrote:
> So, as some might have noticed, I do have some luck,
> and have found my Particle System, only a few
> months outdated, on a CD-RW.
> [...]
> Comments and suggestions, as always, are welcome!
Make a backup ;)
light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x
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From: Tim Nikias v2 0
Subject: Re: Creating Help-File for my PartixGen... WIP
Date: 24 Jul 2003 18:55:03
Message: <3f2063c7$1@news.povray.org>
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Ha! Thats a good one. :-)
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
> Among other things, Tim Nikias v2.0 wrote:
> > So, as some might have noticed, I do have some luck,
> > and have found my Particle System, only a few
> > months outdated, on a CD-RW.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > Comments and suggestions, as always, are welcome!
> Make a backup ;)
> --
> light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
> 9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x
> 0}}}box{z-y-.1.1+z}box{-.1.1+x}box{.1z-.1}pigment{rgb<.8.2,1>}}//Jellby
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 19.07.2003
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From: Tim Nikias v2 0
Subject: Re: Creating Help-File for my PartixGen... WIP
Date: 24 Jul 2003 18:55:50
Message: <3f2063f6$1@news.povray.org>
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Well, then I think for your type of users (I'm
one of those as well, but I always like a Helpful
documentary), the Insert-Menu will be sufficient...
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
> I'm the kind of person that only resorts to the documentation when I can't
> figure it out myself. I usually just check the demo code. As long as
> is demo code, the doc's can be fairly minimal IMO.
> --
> Douglas C. Eichenberg
> dou### [at] nls net
> http://www.getinfo.net/douge
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 19.07.2003
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