Hi folks,
A view days ago I posted my Diablo image on p.b.i and some of you said, that
the ground looks to flat. Indeed, the structure is not very well done. I
used an image with desaturated colors and increased contrast to make the
bump map. This is the code:
polygon {
<0, 0>, <0, 30>, <30, 30>, <30, 0>
pigment {
image_map {jpeg "ground.jpg"}
scale 12.0
translate <2, 0, 0>
normal {
bump_map {jpeg "ground-bump.jpg"}
scale 12.0
translate <2, 0, 0>
bump_size 5.0
translate <-18, -10, 1.53>
But the bump effect is nearly unvisible. Something wrong with it?
Thanks & Regards,
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