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Can anyone suggest a method to represent an asteroid belt for an orrery I'm
Nothing too fancy as there will be lots of other objects in the scene and I
think it will end up as an animation. I was thinking of something to fill a
torus with grain like objects. The orrery will not be realistic, astronomically
correct just something to give the impression of an asteroid belt.
Thanks in Advance.
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Hi Ken,
sorry for this error -- just before I was browsing p.b.i. ...
The help of this outlook tells me I can only clear *downloaded*
postings from *my* computer, so how can I delete from the
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// Hi Stephen,
// I've just posted "Asteroids and more for Stephen ... [46 KB JPEG]" to
// p.b.i. That image was an easter joke, but the asteroids could be a
// starting point for you. The following code is a fragment from this
// scene (but ready-to-render), containing only a minimal scene with
// asteroids made of spheres. Some comments (in english) are added, I
// hope you can live with the german words.
// Sputnik
// P.S. I assume it's OK to post such a small SDL "inline" snippet as a
// direct answer in this group, or should I have posted it to p.t.s-f?
// +SP8 +EP8 +W1280 +H1024 +A0.1 +AM2 +R3 +B100 -FN
// Asteroids ----------------------------------------------------------------
#declare Number = 300;
#declare Rand = seed(89797234);
#declare I = 0;
#while (I<Number)
// choose random orbit (see translate statement below), random brightness
#declare R = rand(Rand)-0.5;
#declare Brightness = .8-.3*rand(Rand);
// create an asteroid in the origin; random size 0.04 ... 0.12
sphere { 0, 0.04+0.08*rand(Rand)
// put onto orbit at radius 7+some_variation
// The function 7+(4*R*R+1)*R maps R from the range [-0.5...0.5] to the
// range [6...8]. Because this function has a steep/not_so_steep/steep
// shape, the result is more likely to be 7 than 6 or 8, so the asteroid
// density at 7 is larger than at 6 or 8.
translate ( 7 + (4*R*R+1)*R ) * x
// let asteroid orbit to a random angular position
rotate 360*rand(Rand)*y
// apply a simple random texture
texture {
pigment { color rgb <1, 1-.2*rand(Rand), 1-.2*rand(Rand)>*Brightness }
finish { ambient .3 diffuse .7 }
// a must if sun and all asteroids are in the same plane
#declare I = I+1;
// Kamera und Beleuchtung ---------------------------------------------------
#declare Uhr = 360/12;
#declare Aspekt = image_width/image_height;
#declare Uhr = 360/12;
#declare Aspekt = 1024/768;
#declare Bildhoehe = 8;
#declare Bildbreite = Aspekt*Bildhoehe;
#declare Bildentfernung = 2*Bildhoehe;
#declare Fokus = 0;
#declare Fokusentfernung = 33;
#declare Kamerarichtung = 6*Uhr; // als "Uhrzeit"
#declare Kamerahoehe = 23; // in Grad
#declare Linksneigung = 20;
camera {
location -Fokusentfernung*z
right Bildbreite/2*x
up Bildhoehe/2*y
sky y
direction Bildentfernung/2*z
look_at 0
rotate Linksneigung*z
rotate <Kamerahoehe, Kamerarichtung-180, 0>
translate Fokus
light_source { 0, rgb 1 }
// ENDE =====================================================================
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<fr### [at] computermuseum fh-kiel de> wrote:
>// Hi Stephen,
>// I've just posted "Asteroids and more for Stephen ... [46 KB JPEG]" to
>// p.b.i. That image was an easter joke, but the asteroids could be a
>// starting point for you. The following code is a fragment from this
>// scene (but ready-to-render), containing only a minimal scene with
>// asteroids made of spheres.
Thanks a lot. It's more than I expected, the sample code is just what I want,
fast too.
>Some comments (in english) are added, I
>// hope you can live with the german words.
Common Europe, of course I can. The comments are germane and easily understood.
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<fr### [at] computermuseum fh-kiel de> wrote:
>// I've just posted "Asteroids and more for Stephen ... [46 KB JPEG]" to
>// p.b.i.
Frank, thanks again. I've posted an image in p.b.i of a WIP using it. My reader
started an new thread called Re: Asteroids and more for Stephen
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