To set the projection of a bitmap we have
the map_type value.
And to set the projection of a simple pigment,
like checker?
I've tried this:
#declare mtest = texture {
pigment { checker White, Red scale .1 map_type 0}
but the result is an error message:
pigment { checker White, Red scale .1 map_type <----ERROR
Parse Error: No matching } in 'pigment', map_type found instead
I tri to put the map_type in other place, but the result is always an error.
I think this must be a very comic and dummy's question, but I can't find
the answer on the help...sorry :-(
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In article <3efdeab9@news.povray.org>, "manuel" <man### [at] tin it>
> To set the projection of a bitmap we have
> the map_type value.
> And to set the projection of a simple pigment,
> like checker?
Patterns do not have projections, the projection is an attribute of
image maps. There are mapping warps which can be used to deform the
pattern to fit a surface, and some shapes support UV mapping.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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