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I'm trying to do a scene with two objects, looking along z, one at z=-5
(which I want to be in focus) and the other at about z=30 (which is out of
Camera is set:
camera {
angle 45.0000
right < 1.0, 0, 0>
up 1.47*y
location cameralocation
look_at <0,2,0>
aperture 0.5
blur_samples 10000
Even using that many blur samples, there are still artifacts in the distant
Any ideas on how to get a smoother blur on the distance object?
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"Andrew Rowson" <pov### [at] growse com> wrote in message
> I'm trying to do a scene with two objects, looking along z, one at z=-5
> (which I want to be in focus) and the other at about z=30 (which is out of
> focus).
> Camera is set:
> camera {
> perspective
> angle 45.0000
> right < 1.0, 0, 0>
> up 1.47*y
> location cameralocation
> look_at <0,2,0>
> aperture 0.5
> blur_samples 10000
> focal_point<0,0,-5>
> }
> Even using that many blur samples, there are still artifacts in the
> object.
> Any ideas on how to get a smoother blur on the distance object?
Sorry, I should add that stupidly small variance and a confidence value of 1
still give a grainy blur.
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Do you have a image to show the graininess? A crop of the particular part
would suffice. Post it to the povray.binaries.images group if you do,
please. I get acceptable results using default confidence and variance at
100 samples. Perhaps yours is a specific circumstance or large rendering?
The problem wouldn't seem to be the camera's aspect ratio, at least.
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Hughes, B. wrote:
>Do you have a image to show the graininess? A crop of the particular part
>would suffice. Post it to the povray.binaries.images group if you do,
>please. I get acceptable results using default confidence and variance at
>100 samples. Perhaps yours is a specific circumstance or large rendering?
>The problem wouldn't seem to be the camera's aspect ratio, at least.
Yes, post a sample image. But from the sounds of this, I ran into this same
problem three or four years ago with focal blur in POV 3.1. The problem is
the adc_bailout. What this does is says that if after so many samples, a
new sample probably (or can't) change the color by more than such an
amount, then stop tracing rays.
The even bigger problem is that adc_bailout had a bug that basically resets
it to the default 1/255.0 every time you render an image. I finally
reported the bug a couple months ago, and it's patched in 3.51, but I don't
know if there's a binary patch yet. However, if you have the source code, I
can help you make the changes necessary to make the adc_bailout work. Just
set it to 0, and artifacts like this should disappear (assuming that's what
you ran into).
Another option is to post the source in povray.text.scene-files, and I can
render it with my "fixed" version to verify if that is indeed the problem.
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"Retsam" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
> Hughes, B. wrote:
> >Do you have a image to show the graininess? A crop of the particular part
> >would suffice. Post it to the povray.binaries.images group if you do,
> >please. I get acceptable results using default confidence and variance at
> >100 samples. Perhaps yours is a specific circumstance or large rendering?
> >The problem wouldn't seem to be the camera's aspect ratio, at least.
> >
> Yes, post a sample image. But from the sounds of this, I ran into this
> problem three or four years ago with focal blur in POV 3.1. The problem
> the adc_bailout. What this does is says that if after so many samples, a
> new sample probably (or can't) change the color by more than such an
> amount, then stop tracing rays.
> The even bigger problem is that adc_bailout had a bug that basically
> it to the default 1/255.0 every time you render an image. I finally
> reported the bug a couple months ago, and it's patched in 3.51, but I
> know if there's a binary patch yet. However, if you have the source code,
> can help you make the changes necessary to make the adc_bailout work.
> set it to 0, and artifacts like this should disappear (assuming that's
> you ran into).
> Another option is to post the source in povray.text.scene-files, and I can
> render it with my "fixed" version to verify if that is indeed the problem.
I managed to fix this by specifying the varience as 0. Looks fine now.
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