Okay, I just started working with HF_Square in the "shapes.inc" (Thanks,
Christopher James Huff), and I'm running into problems... Specifically,
sometimes it throws an access violation when I try to use the generated
mesh. Here is the relavent code:
camera {
location <0.0, 10, -4.0>
look_at <0.0, 10.0, 0.0>
light_source {
<0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color
translate <-30, 30, -30>
#declare foo = function {
pattern {
HF_Square(foo, true, true, 100, true, "a.ter", 0, 1)
#include "a.ter"
translate -.5
scale 300
yes, terTex is defined elsewhere. Note that it crashes more than half the
time, but not ALL the time. Lets see... Relavent info... I'm using POV
3.5, on WinXP SP1, Athalon XP 1800+, 512 megs ram, ASUS board KT266A
chipset. I think that covers it. If anyone else has had problems like
this, please let me know. Thanks! Oh... I seem to have used other mesh2
objects without problems. Don't know what's wrong with this one.
Barron Gillon
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It appears to be during parse time. I tried calling HF_Square several times
without including a.ter, and it never crashed. However, it does crash if I
do include a.ter but don't call HF_Square. I still don't understand why it
only crashes some of the time though. It sounds like a Windows thing to me.
Barron Gillon
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On Fri, 9 May 2003 04:45:05 -0500, "Barron Gillon" <gil### [at] purdue edu> wrote:
> It appears to be during parse time. I tried calling HF_Square several times
> without including a.ter, and it never crashed. However, it does crash if I
> do include a.ter but don't call HF_Square. I still don't understand why it
> only crashes some of the time though. It sounds like a Windows thing to me.
Tried detailed memory test ? Drive test ?
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I've run scan disk if that's what you mean. I think it is unlikely to be a
memory or drive problem because aside from this issue povray (and my
computer in general) work just fine. Are there other tests I should try?
Barron Gillon
In June 1998, another submarine got caught in fishing nets at Sokcho and its
crew killed themselves. Such is the fighting spirit of North Korean
"ABX" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> On Fri, 9 May 2003 04:45:05 -0500, "Barron Gillon" <gil### [at] purdue edu>
> > It appears to be during parse time. I tried calling HF_Square several
> > without including a.ter, and it never crashed. However, it does crash
if I
> > do include a.ter but don't call HF_Square. I still don't understand why
> > only crashes some of the time though. It sounds like a Windows thing to
> Tried detailed memory test ? Drive test ?
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It sounds like a problem with the mesh parsing code, not with the
HF_Square() macro. It may be that the macro is outputting bad meshes for
some reason and that the parse code is crashing instead of reporting an
error. I didn't do any work on the mesh2 versions of the macros, but
they seem to work fine in other cases. On the other hand, so does the
mesh2 code...
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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