Hi all,
While I have been using POV and Moray for quite some time, it is only
recently that I have decided to do more hands on scripting work
To experiment I am re-coding Moray files but I am having problems with
include files, particularly moving them around.
I have been studying various pov files from both the manual and from the
newsgroups to try to get a handle on what I am doing.
From a tutorial, I believe this is the way to move include objects around,
but I keep getting an error message
in the main pov file I have.
#include "nextfile.pov"
later I use
object {nextfile
translate <x, y, z>
to move it.
(I borrowed this technique from a pov tutorial)
This produces the error message:
object {nextfile <----ERROR
Parse Error: Expected 'object', undeclared identifier 'nextfile' found
POV 3.5
Brain (beyond use-by date)
thanks Alex
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On Fri, 9 May 2003 16:28:35 +1000, "Alex McMurray" <ale### [at] melbpc org au>
> From a tutorial, I believe this is the way to move include objects
Which tutorial ?
>in the main pov file I have.
> #include "nextfile.pov"
>later I use
> object {nextfile
> translate <x, y, z>
> }
If nextfile.pov contains only object definition you can assign its content to
some identifier. In particular to nextfile.
#declare nextfile=object{ #include "nextfile.pov" }
BTW: Your question fits perfectly to povray.newusers group.
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