On the POV-ray home page it mentioned using CinePaint with POV-ray:
"CinePaint...can be used to postprocess pov 16 bits png (created with
How does CinePaint interact with POV-ray?
Rob### [at] MovieEditorcom Hollywood, California
www.CinePaint.org Free motion picture and still image editing software
Robin Rowe wrote:
> > On the POV-ray home page it mentioned using CinePaint with POV-ray:> > "CinePaint...can be used to postprocess pov 16 bits png (created with> +FN16)."> > How does CinePaint interact with POV-ray?
Indirectly. It is to be used with the .png images produced by POV-Ray for image
enhancement, just as with any other image enhancement program.
Ken Tyler
"Robin Rowe" <map### [at] movieeditorcom> wrote in
> On the POV-ray home page it mentioned using CinePaint with POV-ray:> > "CinePaint...can be used to postprocess pov 16 bits png (created> with +FN16)."> > How does CinePaint interact with POV-ray?> > Thanks,> > Robin
Hey Robin! Fancy meeting you here ;) CinePaint tends to come up more on
the animations newsgroups on this server.