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Someone correct me if this is answered elsewhere, but I have a question
I've manually bound a union, and set both Remove_Bounds=off and
POV-Ray, on the messages window shows that both these options are correctly
And then, it gives me a message for several (in this case hundreds) of
unions that it has split. (I have hundreds of these suckers, and I'm
experimenting to see if I can find a better bounding box)
Anyone know if this is supposed to happen? The manual indicates that manual
bounds are left alone.
Thanks in advance,
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"Chambers" <bdc### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> I've manually bound a union, and set both Remove_Bounds=off and
> Split_Unions=off
> And then, it gives me a message for several (in this case hundreds) of
> unions that it has split.
I see that, yes.
However, looking into the source code it seems that infinite objects still
cause this message to appear anyway.
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"Hughes, B." <omn### [at] charter net> wrote in message
> I see that, yes.
> However, looking into the source code it seems that infinite objects still
> cause this message to appear anyway.
> Bob
So, if I remove the planes and use boxes (the planes being the only infinite
objects I'm dealing with), it will work? Thanks, I'll give it a try!
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"Chambers" <bdc### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> So, if I remove the planes and use boxes (the planes being the only
> objects I'm dealing with), it will work? Thanks, I'll give it a try!
OK, now it gives me:
Warning: Degenerate CSG bounding box (not used!).
Anybody know what this means?
> ...Chambers
> --
> 7B03448
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