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i am quiet new to recursion, and i have some problems with it.
now i tried to do some recursion in pov like a pyramid, what worked, but i
want to do more.
what i want to create now is a box, with on the top corners of that box a
new box (eg 10 times smaller than the first box).
on top of the 4 new little boxes you have the same thing.
i want to do this for about 4 levels with recursion. can anyone piont me to
some tutorial or maybe has a similar macro i can learn from?
my problem is that i don't know how to put 4 boxes on the top, and that
while the recusion is looped once. next loop again.. and go on. I can do it
with one box, but there it stops.
i have a similar problem for a programming task for school. maybe i can
solve it when i understand the pov version :-]
regards, lenx
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On Wed, 16 Apr 2003 17:57:54 +0200, "Lenx" <len### [at] pandora be> wrote:
> can anyone piont me to
> some tutorial
> or maybe has a similar macro i can learn from?
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Lenx wrote:
> i am quiet new to recursion, and i have some problems with it.
> now i tried to do some recursion in pov like a pyramid, what worked, but i
> want to do more.
> what i want to create now is a box, with on the top corners of that box a
> new box (eg 10 times smaller than the first box).
> on top of the 4 new little boxes you have the same thing.
> i want to do this for about 4 levels with recursion. can anyone piont me to
> some tutorial or maybe has a similar macro i can learn from?
> my problem is that i don't know how to put 4 boxes on the top, and that
> while the recusion is looped once. next loop again.. and go on. I can do it
> with one box, but there it stops.
> i have a similar problem for a programming task for school. maybe i can
> solve it when i understand the pov version :-]
> regards, lenx
You need a level counter.
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// Hi Lenx,
// here is a complete scene with the recursion you wanted; I hope
// you can understand how it works. Simply render this whole text with
// +W800 +H600 -F +D +A0.1
// in the command line. (5 seconds at 1 GHz)
// Sputnik
#macro RecursiveBox (Layers, MidX, BottomY, MidZ, SideLength)
// draw a box
box { <MidX-SideLength/2, BottomY , MidZ-SideLength/2>,
<MidX+SideLength/2, BottomY+SideLength, MidZ+SideLength/2> }
#if (Layers>1) // if there are more boxes to be stacked ...
// ... then calculate some auxiliary values and ...
#local NewBY = BottomY + SideLength;
#local NewSL = SideLength/3; // also try 4, 2.5, 2.2, 10
#local Offset = SideLength/2-NewSL/2; // also try "+" instead of "-"
// ... put four cube-stacks at the corners of the box
RecursiveBox (Layers-1, MidX-Offset, NewBY, MidZ-Offset, NewSL)
RecursiveBox (Layers-1, MidX-Offset, NewBY, MidZ+Offset, NewSL)
RecursiveBox (Layers-1, MidX+Offset, NewBY, MidZ-Offset, NewSL)
RecursiveBox (Layers-1, MidX+Offset, NewBY, MidZ+Offset, NewSL)
// activate the RecursiveBox-macro
union { RecursiveBox (6, 0,-11,0, 9)
texture { pigment { color rgb <1, .7, .3> } }
//light and camera
light_source { <-10, 20, -7>, 1 }
camera { location <-3, 8, -10> look_at 0 }
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thank you all, i got something working yesterday, this is my code:
#macro Recurse(currentlevel, currentscale)
object{ box{ <-50,0,-50> <50,10,50> pigment{ rgb 1}} scale
<1/currentscale,1,1/currentscale> pigment{ rgb 1 } }
#if (currentlevel<recursionmax)
Recurse(currentlevel+1, currentscale*scalemultiplier)
translate <50/currentscale,10/currentscale,50/currentscale>
Recurse(currentlevel+1, currentscale*scalemultiplier)
translate <-50/currentscale,10/currentscale,50/currentscale>
Recurse(currentlevel+1, currentscale*scalemultiplier)
translate <50/currentscale,10/currentscale,-50/currentscale>
Recurse(currentlevel+1, currentscale*scalemultiplier)
translate <-50/currentscale,10/currentscale,-50/currentscale>
//----------calling the macro----------
#declare scalemultiplier=3;
#declare recursionmax=4;
//-------------end of code-------------
now i am looking to do something like recursion into recurion (my mind is
getting twisted though)
i hope i can come up with the scene i have in mind soon.
regards, lenx (still breaking his head on the
mouse-has-to-find-cheese-in-a-maze problem in java)
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