I was doing some POV 'sketching' (basically, drawing some outlines and
points that I know I will need, with the intention of filling in the
rest later). For one section, I decided to use a sphere_sweep, starting
and ending on two previously marked points.
When I placed in those sweeps, and did a quick test render, I was caught
by surprise... the ends of the sweeps did not coincide with the
previously plotted points!
After some head scratching, as a test, I changed from a b_spline to a
cubic_spline in the sweep.... and the endpoints were exactly where I
would have expected them to be.
Now... is this a documentation imprecision, a misunderstanding on my
part as to how the b_spline sweep works, or a bug?
Below is a snippet of the code used. This reproduces the error on my
system (Athlon 850, Win98se, 256Mb RAM, POV3.5)
#include "colors.inc"
// Command Line Switches: FN +W800 +H800 +UA +AM2 +A0.2
// If the Width is <>
camera {
location <0,0,-15.1>
right x
up y
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source { <-9,8,-40> rgb<1,1,1>*1.5 shadowless area_light x*7,
y*6, 3,3 }
#declare topy=2*1.618;
#declare rightx=2;
#declare Point = sphere {0,0.1 pigment { color Yellow }}
object {Point translate <rightx, topy,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx, topy,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.725, topy * 1.09,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.45, topy * 1.14,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.175, topy * 1.1618,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.725, topy * 1.09,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.45, topy * 1.14,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.175, topy * 1.1618,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx, -topy,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx, -topy,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.725, topy * -1.09,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.45, topy * -1.14,0>}
object {Point translate <rightx * 0.175, topy * -1.1618,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.725, topy * -1.09,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.45, topy * -1.14,0>}
object {Point translate <-rightx * 0.175, topy * -1.1618,0>}
#declare Side=sphere_sweep {b_spline 7,
<rightx* 1.38, topy * 2, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx, topy, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx/1.38, topy * 0.5, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx/1.618, 0, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx/1.38, -topy * 0.5, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx, -topy, 0>, 0.1,
<rightx* 1.38, -topy * 2, 0>, 0.1
pigment { color Brown }
object {Side rotate y*180}
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