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Maybe this has been brought up before, but I've never seen it mentioned.
Probably Gilles Tran has noticed it, at least.
Did anyone else notice that in The Wet Bird, the tall building in the
background (empire state?) casts a shadow on the sky?
Its point is sticking into the solid sky and there's a shadow coming from
that point as though there's a light source down and to the left.
Maybe I'm seeing things too =) Just a bit of trivia, anyway. Certainly
doesn't make the image less cool.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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Slime wrote:
>Maybe this has been brought up before, but I've never seen it mentioned.
>Probably Gilles Tran has noticed it, at least.
>Did anyone else notice that in The Wet Bird, the tall building in the
>background (empire state?) casts a shadow on the sky?
>Its point is sticking into the solid sky and there's a shadow coming from
>that point as though there's a light source down and to the left.
>Maybe I'm seeing things too =) Just a bit of trivia, anyway. Certainly
>doesn't make the image less cool.
I don't see a shadow, but I've always noticed (and appreciated) what I
interpreted as a wind contrail going left and slightly up from the tip of
the Chrysler building. One of the many minor touches that gives the image
atmosphere and realism, but it's subtle and I've never been sure if that's
what it is.
The wet bird facinated me and drew me to POV-Ray. Many people take it to be
a photo. I recently purchased a large print from Zazzle and it looks great!
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"Slime" <slm### [at] slimeland com> wrote in message news:3e83dc7b$1@news.povray.org...
> Maybe I'm seeing things too =) Just a bit of trivia, anyway. Certainly
> doesn't make the image less cool.
I think there are two shadows - the one you describe and another cast by a light
to the right and in front of the building. Take back his award. ;)
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Renderdog <slo### [at] hiwaay net> wrote:
> Many people take it to be a photo.
I wonder if Gilles could some time make a version of this image with
some addition which shows more clearly that it's not a photo. Something
like a tyrannosaurus rex walking on the street or something...
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message news:3e846157@news.povray.org...
> Renderdog <slo### [at] hiwaay net> wrote:
> > Many people take it to be a photo.
> I wonder if Gilles could some time make a version of this image with
> some addition which shows more clearly that it's not a photo. Something
> like a tyrannosaurus rex walking on the street or something...
Well, if bloody great shadows on clouds don't do it, I vote for King Kong with a
big pov logo on his butt.
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Slime wrote:
>Maybe this has been brought up before, but I've never seen it mentioned.
>Probably Gilles Tran has noticed it, at least.
>Did anyone else notice that in The Wet Bird, the tall building in the
>background (empire state?) casts a shadow on the sky?
>Its point is sticking into the solid sky and there's a shadow coming from
>that point as though there's a light source down and to the left.
I'd noticed that too. I figured that was there intentionally just so you'd
know it wasn't a photo ;-)
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gonzo wrote:
>I'd noticed that too. I figured that was there intentionally just so you'd
>know it wasn't a photo ;-)
Okay, now I see it too. Thanks for ruining it for me; now what do I do with
this big print? :-)
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> Its point is sticking into the solid sky and there's a shadow coming from
> that point as though there's a light source down and to the left.
The weirdest thing is that I had never noticed it. It's more visible on a
darker screen but it's thereI just re-rendered the code to see what happens
: the "needle" is in fact much taller and goes through the sky... And Tom
Melly is right, there are two shadows !
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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> I wonder if Gilles could some time make a version of this image with
> some addition which shows more clearly that it's not a photo. Something
> like a tyrannosaurus rex walking on the street or something...
I posted this link below in c.g.r.r. 2 years ago. I deleted it after that
for some reason, so here is the image again.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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Gilles Tran <tra### [at] inapg inra fr> wrote:
> I posted this link below in c.g.r.r. 2 years ago. I deleted it after that
> for some reason, so here is the image again.
> http://www.oyonale.com/ldc/images/citysphere.jpg
That's cool, but not impressive. A tyrannosaurus rex would be
impressive. :P
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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