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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Are cheap fonts likely to not work in povray?
Date: 23 Mar 2003 16:38:44
Message: <3e7e2964$1@news.povray.org>
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I downloaded a cheap font, CLOWNS.TTF, and tried to use one of the
characters as a text object that was then used in an object pattern. No
matter what letter I used in the command, I ended up with the same
character. The font seemed to work okay in Wordpad. Are cheap fonts just
prone to be misread by povray?
sample code below.
#declare blacktext=texture{pigment {Yellow} finish{phong 0.4 }}
#declare Mobj= text {ttf "CLOWNS.ttf" "a" 1, 0 scale 0.75*<-1,1,3> scale
10 translate <-2.5,6.2,0> }
#declare clothtext1=
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From: Wheredragon
Subject: Re: Are cheap fonts likely to not work in povray?
Date: 23 Mar 2003 21:51:26
Message: <3e7e72ae$1@news.povray.org>
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It depends,
from what I see is this:
1. No camera Definition
2. No Lightsource
3. clothtext texture not defined.
"Greg M. Johnson" <gregj;-)565### [at] aol com> wrote in message
> I downloaded a cheap font, CLOWNS.TTF, and tried to use one of the
> characters as a text object that was then used in an object pattern. No
> matter what letter I used in the command, I ended up with the same
> character. The font seemed to work okay in Wordpad. Are cheap fonts
> prone to be misread by povray?
> sample code below.
> #declare blacktext=texture{pigment {Yellow} finish{phong 0.4 }}
> #declare Mobj= text {ttf "CLOWNS.ttf" "a" 1, 0 scale 0.75*<-1,1,3>
> 10 translate <-2.5,6.2,0> }
> #declare clothtext1=
> texture{object{Mobj
> texture{clothtext}
> texture{blacktext}}
> }
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: Are cheap fonts likely to not work in povray?
Date: 23 Mar 2003 23:20:42
Message: <3e7e879a$1@news.povray.org>
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Sorry, see:
I didn't want to include all of the files. My system is getting a bit
The guy on the left has the letter "a" as a text object object pattern. No
matter what letter I type in there, it always shows the same character from
the font file. I think however that the font file works okay in Wordpad.
"Wheredragon" <whr### [at] nothnbut net> wrote in message
> It depends,
> from what I see is this:
> 1. No camera Definition
> 2. No Lightsource
> 3. clothtext texture not defined.
> "Greg M. Johnson" <gregj;-)565### [at] aol com> wrote in message
> news:3e7e2964$1@news.povray.org...
> > I downloaded a cheap font, CLOWNS.TTF, and tried to use one of the
> > characters as a text object that was then used in an object pattern. No
> > matter what letter I used in the command, I ended up with the same
> > character. The font seemed to work okay in Wordpad. Are cheap fonts
> just
> > prone to be misread by povray?
> >
> > sample code below.
> >
> > #declare blacktext=texture{pigment {Yellow} finish{phong 0.4 }}
> > #declare Mobj= text {ttf "CLOWNS.ttf" "a" 1, 0 scale 0.75*<-1,1,3>
> scale
> > 10 translate <-2.5,6.2,0> }
> >
> > #declare clothtext1=
> > texture{object{Mobj
> > texture{clothtext}
> > texture{blacktext}}
> > }
> >
> >
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From: Ross Litscher
Subject: Re: Are cheap fonts likely to not work in povray?
Date: 24 Mar 2003 14:14:35
Message: <3e7f591b$1@news.povray.org>
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Greg M. Johnson <gregj;-)565### [at] aol com> wrote in message
> I didn't want to include all of the files. My system is getting a bit
> complicated.
> The guy on the left has the letter "a" as a text object object pattern.
> matter what letter I type in there, it always shows the same character
> the font file. I think however that the font file works okay in Wordpad.
Are you somehow redfineing something later on that causes "a" to be used?
Have you tried using a different font within this same exact povray code and
does it work then? Have you saved the file after changing "a" to whatever
you want?
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From: Greg M Johnson
Subject: Re: Are cheap fonts likely to not work in povray?
Date: 24 Mar 2003 22:56:40
Message: <3e7fd378$1@news.povray.org>
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Okay, get the CLOWNS.TTF font at:
and then compare how timrom.ttf works vs. CLOWNS.TTF with *this* code:
#declare shirtpig=pigment{rgb 0.4*< 0.3, 0.6,0.6>}
#declare clothtext=texture{pigment{shirtpig} normal {bumps scale
0.1}finish{ambient 1}}
#declare logopig=pigment{rgb <0.7,.9,0.9>}
#declare blacktext=texture{pigment {logopig} finish{phong 0.4 ambient 1 }}
#declare Mobj= text {ttf "CLOWNS.ttf" "D" 1, 0 scale 0.75*<-1,1,3>
translate 0*<-0.25,0,-0.25> scale 10 }
//#declare Mobj= text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "e" 1, 0 scale 0.75*<-1,1,3>
translate 0*<-0.25,0,-0.25> scale 10 }
#declare clothtext1=
sphere {0,10 texture{clothtext1 } }
camera {location -10*z }
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